
Degrees and Certificates Conferred by Academic Year

Academic Year Bachelors
2019-2020 366 2,562 275
2020-2021 404 2,390 445
2021-2022 347 2,157 291
2022-2023 274 2,012 320
2023-2024 298 2,074 928

Data Source: Fresh Degrees Conferred by Term(s) file. Academic Year is considered to be Fall, Spring, Summer.

3-Year Graduation Rates

First-Time Full-Time Associate Seeking Freshmen

Cohort Graduated (n) Graduated (%)
Fall 2013 1810 444 24.5%
Fall 2014 1880 546 29.0%
Fall 2015 1870 598 32.0%
Fall 2016 2079 692 33.3%
Fall 2017 2081 725 34.8%
Fall 2018 1977 631 31.9%
Fall 2019 2074 590 28.4%
Fall 2020 1850 560 30.3%
Fall 2021 1797 470 26.2%
Fall 2022 Goal 29.3%
Line graph of the 3-Year 150% graduation rate for first-time full-time associate seeking freshman data.

*Goals are set at one percentage point above the 3 year average.

Degrees Conferred

Associate Degrees Conferred
(Per 100 FTE Students)

Academic Year Degrees Conferred FTE Degree Seeking Students Ratio of Degrees Conferred to 100 FTE
AY 2015-16 2012 9311 22.58
AY 2016-17 2559 9588 26.69
AY 2017-18 2308 10127 22.29
AY 2018-19 2486 10057 24.72
AY 2019-20 2562 10116 25.3
AY 2020-21 2420 9303 26.0
AY 2021-22 2157 8875 24.3
AY 2022-23 2012 8950 22.5
Goal AY 2023-24 - - 25.3
Actual AY 2023-24 2074 8826 23.5

Data Source: Fresh Degrees Conferred by Term(s) file and Frozen Enrollment Summaries. *Goals are set at one degree higher than the three-year average for degrees conferred per 100 FTE students.

Baccalaureate Degrees Conferred
(Per 100 FTE Students)

Academic Year Degrees Conferred FTE Degree Seeking Students Ratio of Degrees Conferred to 100 FTE
AY 2015-16 278 659 42.19
AY 2016-17 313 675 46.37
AY 2017-18 323 661 48.87
AY 2018-19 338 653 51.76
AY 2019-20 366 655 55.80
AY 2020-21 400 712 56.18
AY 2021-22 347 643 53.97
AY 2022-23 274 618 44.34
Goal AY 2023-24 - - 52.5
Actual AY 2023-24 298 722 41.27

Data Source: Fresh Degrees Conferred by Term(s) file and Frozen Enrollment Summaries. *Goals are set at one degree higher than the three-year average for degrees conferred per 100 FTE students.


Tracking the Transfers from Academic Year 2022-2023’s Unduplicated Enrollment

Number of Students Percent of Overall Enrollment
Unduplicated AY 2022-2023 Enrollment 18,314
Graduated by the End of AY 2022-2023 2,445 13.4%
Not Graduated, Retained One AY Later 9,246 50.5%
Not Graduated, Transferred One AY Later 2,567 14.0%
Not Graduated, Not Transferred One AY Later 4,056 22.1%

Data Sources: Frozen Enrollment Summaries, fresh Degrees Conferred, and supplemental data from National Student Clearinghouse. Academic Year (AY) is consisted to be Fall, Spring, Summer. Please note that the retained percentage above is different than the retention numbers found on the Retention webpage. True retention tracks a First Time in College (FTIC) cohort while the above number considers all unduplicated students enrolled, regardless of whether they are FTIC students. Because the starting cohorts are different, the two retention numbers should not be used interchangeably. Please refer to the Retention webpage for up-to-date retention numbers.

Not Graduated, Transferred Students from Academic Year 2022-2023

Number of Students Percent of Not Graduated, Transferred Students
Not Graduated, Transferred One AY Later 2,567
Transferred to Florida Gulf Coast University 794 30.9%
Transferred to Florida 2-Year Public Institution, Excluding FSW 316 12.3%
Transferred to Florida 4-Year Public Institution, Excluding FGCU 702 27.3%
Transferred to Florida Private Institution 245 9.5%
Transferred to Non-Florida Institution 510 19.9%

Data Sources: Frozen Enrollment Summaries, fresh Degrees Conferred, and supplemental data from National Student Clearinghouse.

Continuing Education

Tracking Continued Education from Academic Year 2022-2023’s Unduplicated Graduates

Number of Students Percent of Graduated
Unduplicated AY 2022-23 FSW Graduates 2,503
Continuing at FSW One AY Later 597 23.9%
Continuing at Florida Gulf Coast University One AY Later 400 16.0%
Continuing at Florida 2-Year Public Institution (Excluding FSW) One AY Later 32 1.3%
Continuing at Florida 4-Year Public Institution (Excluding FGCU) One AY Later 315 12.6%
Continuing at Florida Private Institution One AY Later 37 1.5%
Continuing at Non-Florida Institution One AY Later 142 5.7%
Unknown One AY Later 980 39.2%

Data Sources: Frozen Enrollment Summaries, fresh Degrees Conferred, and supplemental data from National Student Clearinghouse.