District Board of Trustees, Florida SouthWestern State College

10/17/23 BOT Workshop in Room I-223 at 9:00am.

Notice of Meetings

Board of Trustees Meetings

Meetings begin at 10:00am.

Date Campus Notes
September 10, 2024* Lee Campus Regular Board Meeting
November 12, 2024* Collier Campus Regular Board Meeting
February 11, 2025* Lee Campus Regular Board Meeting followed by Charter School Governing Board Meeting
March 31, 2025, 1:00pm Lee Campus, I-223 Regular Board Meeting followed by Charter School Governing Board Meeting
June 17, 2025** Charlotte Campus Budget Retreat followed by Regular Board Meeting and Charter School Governing Board Meeting

All meeting times are 10:00am

*2nd Tuesday of the month subject to change and/or add dates based on legislation, policy changes, unanticipated deadlines, etc.

**3rd Tuesday of June

Board of Trustees Committee Meetings

Meetings begin at 9:00am.

Date Details

Board of Trustees Workshops

Date Campus Location
10/17/23 Lee Campus Bldg. I Room 223

A copy of each regular meeting and committee meeting agenda will be posted for inspection in the libraries of the Charlotte, Collier, and Lee campuses, and the Hendry/Glades Curtis Center, and also on the College website.

Section 286.0101, Florida Statues, requires: Each board, commission, or agency of this state or of any political subdivision thereof shall include in the notice of any meeting or hearing, if notice of the meeting or hearing is required, of such board, commission, or agency, conspicuously on such notice, the advice that if any person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission with respect to any material considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in a meeting is asked to contact Florida SouthWestern State College three business days before the meeting by contacting the Director, Human Resources at 239-489-9293 or via 8099 College Parkway, Fort Myers, Florida 33919, or call through the Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955-8771 (TTY).

Jeffery S. Albritten, President
Florida SouthWestern State College