Employment & Continuing Education

Job Placement

Job Placement Rates by Degree/Certificate Type:

Associate of Arts Associate in Science Bachelor’s Postsecondary Adult Workforce (PSAV) Postsecondary Workforce Certificate (PSVC)
AY 2016-2017 67% 83% 72% 91% 80%
AY 2017-2018 70% 86% 88% 93% 89%
AY 2018-2019 69% 85% 82% 83% 84%
AY 2019-2020 67% 84% 87% 85% 72%
AY 2020-2021 66% 85% 85% 78% 83%
AY 2021-2022 65% 83% 85% 91% 87%

Source: Florida College System Vocational Reports (Florida Education & Training Placement Information Program or FETPIP)

School of Business and Technology Job Placement Rates, BS:

BS Public Safety Admin BS Supervision & Mgmt
AY 2016-2017 80% 78%
AY 2017-2018 86% 83%
AY 2018-2019 76% 72%
AY 2019-2020 82% 82%
AY 2020-2021 96% 81%
AY 2021-2022 86% 78%

Paralegal, Construction, and Engineering:

AS Arch. Des. & Constr AS Civil Eng. Tech AS Paralegal Studies CCC Real Estate Paralegal
AY 2016-2017 38% 100% 78% *
AY 2017-2018 75% 100% 75%P *
AY 2018-2019 50% 100% 88% *
AY 2019-2020 78% * 67% *
AY 2020-2021 80% * 92% *
AY 2021-2022 * * 82% *

Computer AS:

AS Comp. Prog. & Analysis AS Network Systems Tech.
AY 2016-2017 55% *
AY 2017-2018 92% 100%
AY 2018-2019 85%P 85%
AY 2019-2020 * *
AY 2020-2021 63% *
AY 2021-2022 60% 86%

Computer CCC:

CCC Computer Prog. CCC Comp. Prog. Spec. CCC IT Support Specialist CCC Network Ent. Admin. CCC Network Security
AY 2016-2017 67% 69% 68% * 100%
AY 2017-2018 100% 100% 92% 100% 100%
AY 2018-2019 100% 80% 100%P * 100%
AY 2019-2020 * * * * *
AY 2020-2021 * * 77% * *
AY 2021-2022 * * 91% * *

Criminal Justice and Forensics:

AS Criminal Justice Tech. AS Crime Scene Tech. CCC Crime Scene Tech. CCC Digital Forensics
AY 2016-2017 75% 88% 67% *
AY 2017-2018 94% 50% * *
AY 2018-2019 88% 75%p 100% *
AY 2019-2020 79% * * *
AY 2020-2021 69% 69% 100%P *
AY 2021-2022 84% 65% * *

Business AS:

AS Accounting Tech AS Business Admin.
AY 2016-2017 67% 61%
AY 2017-2018 100% 86%
AY 2018-2019 * 72%
AY 2019-2020 75% 71%
AY 2020-2021 77% 71%
AY 2021-2022 91% 78%

Business CCC:

CCC Acct. Tech. Mgmt. CCC Bus. Dev. & Ent. CCC Risk & Ins. Mgmt. CCC Small Business Mgmt.
AY 2016-2017 100% 100% * 100%P
AY 2017-2018 * 100% * 88%
AY 2018-2019 100% 33% * 50%
AY 2019-2020 * * * *
AY 2020-2021 * 85% * 67%
AY 2021-2022 * * * 83%

Source: Florida College System Vocational Reports (Florida Education & Training Placement Information Program or FETPIP)

Note: Job placement percentage is the percent of that academic year’s reported degree/certificate completers that were found employed in the October-December quarter of the following academic year.

P = Positive placement. Positive placement tracks both continued education and employment. Positive placement values are used when employment number is unavailable.

School of Health Professions Job Placement Rates, BS

BS Cardiopulmonary Sciences BS Nursing
AY 2016-2017 57% 89%
AY 2017-2018 80% 91%
AY 2018-2019 100% 84%
AY 2019-2020 100% 88%
AY 2020-2021 79% 83%
AY 2021-2022 80% 86%

Emergency Services

AS Emergency Medical Services AS Fire Science Technology CCC Emergency Medical Technician CCC Paramedic Fire Fighter I/II (Career Certificate)
AY 2016-2017 92% 92% 88% 91% 91%
AY 2017-2018 100% 100% 87% 100% 93%
AY 2018-2019 97% 100% 88% 97% 83%
AY 2019-2020 100% * 69% 96% 85%
AY 2020-2021 100% * 88% 100% 78%
AY 2021-2022 96% * 95% 93% 91%

Cardiovascular, Dental, Radiological, and Respiratory

AS Cardiovascular Technology AS Dental Hygiene AS Radiologic Technology AS Respiratory Care
AY 2016-2017 85% 88% 95% 88%
AY 2017-2018 100%P 83% 87% 95%
AY 2018-2019 100% 94% 89% 89%
AY 2019-2020 87% 88% 95% 94%
AY 2020-2021 * 94% 95% 92%
AY 2021-2022 * 79% 95% 93%

Medical Services

AS Health Information Technology AS Nursing CCC Medical Info. Coder/Biller
AY 2016-2017 100%P 90% *
AY 2017-2018 83% 86% *
AY 2018-2019 67%P 89% 100%
AY 2019-2020 * 89% *
AY 2020-2021 * 91% *
AY 2021-2022 * 87% 86%

Social Services

AS Social and Human Services CCC Addiction Services CCC Human Services Generalist CCC Youth Development Services
AY 2016-2017 80% 50% * *
AY 2017-2018 100% * * *
AY 2018-2019 25% 100%P * *
AY 2019-2020 * * * *
AY 2020-2021 * * * *
AY 2021-2022 * * * *

Source: Florida Vocational Reports (Florida Education & Training Placement Information Program or FETPIP) Note: Job placement percentage is the percent of that academic year’s reported degree/certificate completers that were found employed in the October-December quarter of the following academic year.

P = Positive placement. Positive placement tracks both continued education and employment. Positive placement values are used when employment number is unavailable.

School of Education Job Placement Rates

BS Elementary Education AS Early Childhood Ed. CCC Child Dev. Special. CCC Inclusion Special. CCC Preschool Special.
AY 2016-2017 40% 0% * * *
AY 2017-2018 96% 71% * * *
AY 2018-2019 97% 91%P * * *
AY 2019-2020 95% 72% * * *
AY 2020-2021 95% 85% * * *
AY 2021-2022 92% * * * *

Source: Florida College System Vocational Reports (Florida College System Vocational Reports (Florida Education & Training Placement Information Program or FETPIP) Note: Job placement percentage is the percent of that academic year’s reported degree/certificate completers that were found employed in the October-December quarter of the following academic year.

P = Positive placement. Positive placement tracks both continued education and employment. Positive placement values are used when employment number is unavailable.

Graduates Continuing Their Education

Graduates of FSW's associate and bachelor programs have continued their education at state colleges and public and private universities.

2021-2022 Graduates Found in 2022-2023

Degree % Employed % Continuing Education % Continuing Ed and Employed % Continuing Ed or Employed
AA 65% 64% 42% 87%
AS 83% 31% 26% 89%
BS/BAS 85% 10% 9% 86%

Source: Florida College System Vocational Reports (Florida Education & Training Placement Information Program or FETPIP)

2021-2022 AA Completers Enrolled in the State University System in 2022-2023

Florida University Number of 2021-2022 AA Completers Enrolled in SUS 2022-2023 % of students transferring to SUS % of total
AA completers
Florida Gulf Coast University 411 60.2% 25.1%
University of Central Florida 65 9.5% 4.0%
University of South Florida 59 8.6% 3.6%
Florida International University 46 6.7% 2.8%
University of Florida 39 5.7% 2.4%
Florida State University 23 3.8% 1.6%
Florida Atlantic University 17 2.5% 1.0%

Source: Florida College System Vocational Reports (Florida Education & Training Placement Information Program or FETPIP)

2021-2022 AS Completers Continuing Education in 2022-2023

Number of 2021-2022 AS Completers Enrolled in 2022-2023 % of Completers
State University System 47 8%
State College System 129 22%
Continuing Education 181 31%

2021-2022 BS/BAS Completers Continuing Education in 2022-2023

Number of 2021-2022 BS/BAS Completers Enrolled in 2022-2023 % of Completers
State University System 24 6%
State College System 13 4%
Continuing Education 38 10%