Breaking news! The 2025-26 FAFSA is now available at studentaid.gov
- Check your Bucs email regularly – we send important information to this email.
- Check your cashier account to ensure there are enough funds to cover your tuition!
Please visit your student portal and navigate to the Student Financials Card “View Offer” button for the latest information regarding your financial aid.
Want more tips? See our FAQs!
Be one of the 76% of students who graduate from FSW debt free.
Apply for financial aid every year!
The Office of Student Financial Services at FSW helps students secure financial aid to make affording college easier through completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
A FAFSA needs to be completed every year to determine eligibility for grants, loans, work study opportunities, and/or FSW scholarships.
Important Deadlines
Tuition Installment Plan (TIP) options, visit the TIP website for more information.
- May 6th - Tuition and Fees due for Summer and Mini – A Summer semester.
- April 28th - Financial aid book buying days begin for students enrolled in the Summer or Mini – A Summer semester.
- June 17th - Tuition and Fees due for Mini – B Summer semester.
- June 9th - June 26th- Financial aid book buying days for students enrolled in the Mini – B Summer semesters.
First Day of Classes
- Summer - May 12th
- Mini – A Summer - May 12th
- Mini – B Summer - June 24th
Quick Financial Aid FAQs Quick Financial Aid Facts
Find this and more on our Financial Aid FAQ page.
How do I apply for Financial Aid?
You have to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and use FSW school code 001477 to find out if you are eligible for any type of Federal Aid for your classes at FSW. A FAFSA is also required to be considered for any FSW scholarships you may apply for. Remember, both the FAFSA and the FSW scholarship application must be completed every year.
Which FAFSA do I need?
A FAFSA is required to be submitted each academic year; the 2024-25 FAFSA will be used for the upcoming Fall 2024, Spring 2025 and Summer 2025 semesters. The 2025-2026 FAFSA will be for the Fall 2025, Spring 2026, and Summer 2026 semesters. Make sure you are completing the correct FAFSA for the correct year.
My financial situation has changed since filing the FAFSA. What are my options?
If you have experienced the loss of a job, a large reduction in income, or extraordinary medical expenses, please request our "Professional Judgment: Special Circumstance - SAI Calculation Appeal" found at https://fsw.studentforms.com to have your financial aid status reviewed on a case by case basis. Note: the FAFSA itself cannot be updated to reflect your current financial situation. The SAI Calculation Appeal can be used for unique circumstances.
Where will I receive information about my financial aid at FSW?
Information will be sent to your Bucs (student) email from noreply@fsw.edu and will be available in your FSW Student Portal. Make sure to add noreply@fsw.edu to your safe senders list and forward your student emails to your personal email account if you will not be regularly checking your Bucs (student) email. Information can also be viewed by visiting your student portal and navigating to your Student Financials Card.
Transient Students and Bright Futures
Transient students at FSW who received their Bright Futures funding from another institution receive funding through their home institution. Florida Bright Futures Scholars must submit a Transient Student Admission Application, which is located online at Florida Shines. Transient students must pay out of pocket or enroll in the Tuition Installment Plan at FSW. If the Transient Student Admission Application is approved, you could be reimbursed by your home institution after the add/drop period closes.
Bright Futures
The Bright Futures Academic Scholarship covers 100% of in-state tuition and state approved fees. There are some specific course-related fees that are not included in this scholarship. The stipend of $300.00 per term is not available. Any charges that exceed this amount must be paid prior to the drop date. All classes will drop if a balance is owed.
The Medallion Scholarship covers 100% of in-state tuition and state approved fees for students seeking an Associates. The Medallion Scholarship will cover 75% of in-state tuition for students in a Bachelors program.
The Gold Seal and Gold Seal Cape Scholarships cover a “flat rate” of $48 per credit hour of in-state tuition. Students must be AS Degree Seeking in order to receive this scholarship.
High School & GED Transcript Information
Part of the financial aid process is to provide the FSW Office of Admissions with a final, official high school transcript; however, some students are provisionally provided a financial aid award notification based on an unofficial high school transcript. If you have already submitted your official, final transcript to the Office of Admissions, Financial Aid does not require an additional transcript (see below for instructions to check if we have received your final, official high school transcript). Additional copies of in-progress or unofficial transcripts will not satisfy this requirement.
To determine if we have received your final, official high school or GED transcript, review your financial aid checklist. If "High School Completion" is marked as satisfied, we have received your official high school transcripts. (Once received, transcripts may take 5-7 business days to process and there may be a slight delay before completion appears in your financial aid checklist.) If you have questions, please contact the Office of Admissions at admissions@fsw.edu.
Course Program of Study
Financial Aid will only pay for courses required for your current degree program. Academic Advisors are able to assist you in selecting courses that are required for your degree. Make sure to review your course selections prior to the add/drop deadline each semester.
Helpful Resources:
View the links on the left to navigate more topics for Financial Aid (click the left-hand menu button "☰" to expand on mobile). View the links on the left to navigate more topics for Financial Aid (click the left-hand menu button "☰" to expand on mobile).
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