Team AASPIRE - Academic Assessment, Office of Accountability & Effectiveness, Office of Sponsored Programs & Research, and Office of Institutional Research
You can get all your data needs in one-stop shopping! FSW’s Office of Academic Assessment, Office of Accountability & Effectiveness, Office of Sponsored Programs & Research, and Office of Institutional Research are all under one banner, called Team AASPIRE. Whether it is assessment, sponsored programs, or institutional research, you can find it all in Robinson Hall, in I-116.
Each office’s webpage can be found in one place under Team AASPIRE:
C-R-E-A-T-I-V-E - General Education Competencies (Communicate, Research, Evaluate, Analyze, Think, Investigate, Visualize, Engage)
- Communicate clearly in a variety of modes and media.
- Research and examine academic and non-academic information, resources, and evidence.
- Evaluate and utilize mathematical principles, technology, scientific and quantitative data.
- Analyze and create individual and collaborative works of art, literature, and performance.
- Think critically about past, present, and future questions to yield meaning and value.
- Investigate and engage in the transdisciplinary applications of research, learning, and knowledge.
- Visualize and engage the world from different historical, social, and cultural approaches.
- Engage meanings of active citizenship in one’s community, nation, and the world.
ECs - Effectiveness Coordinators
Effectiveness Coordinators (ECs) were created at the beginning of AY 2023-24 in an effort to streamline the effectiveness and assessment process and relationship. ECs meet monthly during the fall and spring terms with Team AASPIRE to discuss course level, general education, and at times, program level assessment. These items are then shared with the LAC, the disciplines, discipline leadership, and recorded in the effectiveness plans for the college.
More information about ECs can be found here.
CCSSE - Community College Survey of Student Engagement CCFSSE - Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement
FSW’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) initiated in 2012 encourages faculty and staff to complete professional development modules purposed towards the promotion of critical thinking in enhancing the likelihood of success of first-year students (Florida SouthWestern QEP Annual Report 2013). To measure the success of the program the college employs the CCSSE and CCFSSE. More specifically, the college uses a subset of survey questions as an indicator of student engagement. The results of which are reported directly by the facilitator of the surveys, the Center for Community College Student Engagement housed at the University of Texas at Austin.
Additionally, the CCSSE and CCFSSE reports encompass a series of questions addressing common survey topics. An evaluation of the interaction, needs, and perception of the student compared with an evaluation of the faculty perception of student’s interaction, needs, and perception is completed by the Office of Academic Assessment. To learn how CCSEE and CCFSSE results are used to inform improvement, check out the Did You Know newsletters.
LAC - Learning Assessment Committee
Learning Assessment Committee (LAC) is charged with developing and recommending procedures and best practices that provide the college with measurable data to assess student learning. The Learning Assessment Committee will assist academic disciplines to develop plans for assessment strategies, rubrics, and methods for using data to make changes in the delivery of course material to promote student success through the following actions.
More information about the LAC can be found here.
PD - Professional Development
FSW created the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) in 2006 to provide programs, services, and resources to fulltime and adjunct teaching faculty at Florida SouthWestern State College. The Professional Development (PD) Committee, a group of full-time and adjunct teaching faculty representing each campus, helps facilitate the Center. The PD Committee is charged with developing and implementing TLC events and programs. However, all members of the Florida SouthWestern State College community are encouraged to actively contribute to the Teaching and Learning Center.
QEP - Quality Enhancement Plan
Every college affiliated with Southern Association of Colleges and Schools’ Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) has a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), which is a plan focused on improving student learning. The QEP is the focus of the Commission's philosophy of accreditation. Each institution under Accreditation is required to develop a QEP which can focus on any number of areas with the idea of addressing one or more issues that contribute to institutional improvement.
SACSCOC General Information page
SENSE - Survey of Entering Student Engagement
FSW’s assessment measures for the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) include measurements of student satisfaction/engagement and student academic plans primarily through the use of two benchmarks within SENSE, the Engaged Learning Benchmark, and the Clear Academic Plan and Pathway Benchmark. You can view the latest SENSE reports here:
SOS - Student Opinion Survey
The Student Opinion Survey (SOS) is a digitally-based student survey conducted college-wide each fall term. The survey provides an opportunity for students to provide feedback on the course(s) in which they are enrolled as well as include some self-report items about themselves and their progress in the course. The SOS replaces the Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) which was conducted during AY 2015-2016. The SEI itself was a replacement for the hard copy Student Instruction Report (SIR II) course evaluations.
Some sample questions from the SOS are as follows:
- The grading criteria and instructor’s policies were provided in the syllabus. (Agree/Disagree/NA)
- The course helped me improve my understanding of the subject. - (Agree/Disagree/NA)
- My professor gave feedback/returned assignments (such as tests, written assignments, quizzes, lab reports, etc.) in time for me to improve for future assignments. (Agree/Disagree/NA)
CTLE - Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence
FSW created the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) in 2006 to provide programs, services, and resources to fulltime and adjunct teaching faculty. In 2023, the TLC evolved into the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE). The CTLE is the sharing of ideas, methods, and content among FSW faculty through casual conversation, an organized discussion group, or a planned event. All faculty members are encouraged to continually improve teaching and learning at FSW by sharing their expertise and taking advantage of CTLE resources, events, and services.