General Education Assessment

During AY 2014-15, FSW initiated a revised assessment of the General Education Program. Throughout the process, the AAC&U Value Rubrics and one in-house rubric were utilized to score voluntarily submitted artifacts. Beginning in AY 2017-18, courses which were identified by faculty of that discipline as “Integral” can be randomly selected to provide an assignment which the instructor feels is appropriate to meet that competency for General Education Assessment for that year. This random selection plan was developed by the Learning Assessment Committee (LAC). The random selection and outreach to instructors occurs in mid-to-late September of each AY.

The next cycle of general education competency assessment is to assess the “Communicate” and “Evaluate” General Education Competencies during AY 2024-25. In the assessment plan, courses which were identified by faculty of that discipline as “Communicate” or “Evaluate” at the integral level can be randomly selected for General Education Assessment during Fall 2024 as part of the AY 2024-25 assessment plan. Under the new plan outlined by the LAC, if a course is listed below it means that one or more sections of the course may be randomly selected to provide an assignment which the instructor feels is appropriate to meet that competency. The random selection and outreach to instructors occurs in the 3rd week of September.


    School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences ASL 1140, ASL 1150, COM 2460, EAP 1500, EAP 1520, EAP 1540, EAP 1560, EAP 1620, EAP 1640, EAP 0200, EAP 0220, EAP 0240, EAP 0260, EAP 0300, EAP 0320, EAP 0340, EAP 0360, EAP 0400, EAP 0420, EAP 0440, EAP 0460, ENC 1101, ENC 1130, ENG 2061, FRE 1120, FRE 1121, FRE 2220, GER 1120, HUM 2930, INR 2500, ITA 1120, ITA 1121, JOU 1100, LIN 1670, MMC 1000, PHI 2100, PHI 2103, REA 0019, SLS 1515, SPC 1017, SPC 2608, SPN 1120, SPN 1121, SPN 2220, SPN 2221 School of Business and Technology BAN 1004, BCT 2730, CAP 2141, CCJ 1020, CET 4505, CGS 1100, CGS 2811, CIS 4523, CIS 4891, CNT 1949, CNT 2949, COP 1000, COP 2830, COP 3538, CTS 2392, ETD 1390, ETD 2930, GEB 1949, GEB 2430, GEB 2930, HOS 1010, INP 2390, MAN 1023, MAN 1949, MAN 3081, MAN 3303, MAN 3949, MAN 4113, MAN 4720, MAR 3232, MAR 3802, MAR 3860, PAD 3874, PAD 4949, PLA 1003, SLS 1350, SLS 1949 School of Education CHD 1120, CHD 1134, CHD 1135, EDF 2085, EDF 3214, EDG 3620, EDG 4004, EEC 1000, EEC 1202, EEC 1603, EEX 3012, EME 2040, ESE 4323, HSC 1421, LAE 3314, LAE 4416, MAE 4310, RED 3324, RED 4012, RED 4519, SCE 3310, SSE 3313 School of Health Professions CVT 1800C, CVT 1801C, CVT 2805, CVT 2840L, CVT 2841L, CVT 2842C, DEH 1002, DEH 1002L, DEH 1130, DEH 1802, DEH 2930, DES 1020C, DES 1100C, DES 2832C, EMS 2119, EMS 2119L, EMS 2421L, EMS 2522, EMS 2600, EMS 2600L, EMS 2601L, EMS 2661, FFP 0030C, FFP 0031C, FFP 1000, FFP 1505, FFP 1510, FFP 1540, FFP 2120, FFP 2720, FFP 2740, FFP 2810, FFP 2811, HSA 3113, HSA 3430, HSC 1531, HUS 1400, HUS 2200, HUS 2302, NUR 1020C, NUR 3655, RET 1275C, RET 1832L, RET 2874L, RET 2875L, RET 2876L, RET 4933, RTE 1001 School of Pure and Applies Sciences BSC 1085C


    School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences ANT 1511, ECO 2023, SLS 1515 School of Business and Technology ACG 2071, ACG 2450, ACG 2500, ACG 2930, ACG 3024, BCN 1230, BCN 4590, BCT 1773, CET 2691, CGS 2108, CGS 2135, CGS 2511, CIS 3361, CJE 1640, CJE 2643, CJE 2677, CNT 1000, CNT 1512, CNT 3504, COP 1949, COP 2360, COP 2700, COP 3505, COP 3538, COP 3804, CTS 2306, CTS 2321, CTS 2346, CTS 2655, DSC 3034, ETD 1949, ETD 2949, FIN 2001, FIN 2100, ISM 2200C, ISM 3004, ISM 4323, MAN 2582, MAN 4570, MTB 1103, PAD 3711, PLA 2763, QMB 2100 School of Education EDE 4940 School of Health Professions EMS 2522, HSC 4159, HSC 4555, NUR 2213C, NUR 3066C, NUR 3125, NUR 3145, RET 1024, RET 1485, RET 2234C, RET 2254C, RET 2264, RET 2264L, RET 2295, RET 4034, RET 4505, RET 4536, RTE 1418, RTE 1457, RTE 1503, RTE 1503L, RTE 1513, RTE 1523, RTE 1573, RTE 1613, RTE 1804, RTE 1814, RTE 1824, RTE 2061, RTE 2385, RTE 2473, RTE 2563, RTE 2782, RTE 2834, RTE 2844 School of Pure and Applied Sciences AST 2002C, BSC 1005, BSC 1005L, BSC 1010, BSC 1010L, BSC 1011, BSC 1011L, BSC 1051C, BSC 1084C, CHM 1020C, CHM 2025, CHM 2025L, CHM 2032, CHM 2032L, CHM 2045, CHM 2045L, CHM 2046, CHM 2046L, CHM 2210, CHM 2210L, CHM 2211, CHM 2211L, EVR 1001C, GIS 1045, GLY 1010C, GLY 1100C, HUN 1201, MAC 1105, MAC 1106, MAC 1114, MAC 1140, MAC 1147, MAC 2233, MAC 2311, MAC 2312, MAC 2313, MAP 2302, MAT 0018, MAT 0057, MAT 1033, MAT 1100, MCB 2010C, MGF 1108, MGF 1113, MGF 1131, MHF 2191, OCB 1000, OCE 1001, OCE 1013C, PHY 1007C, PHY 1020C, PHY 2048, PHY 2048L, PHY 2049, PHY 2049L, PHY 2053, PHY 2053L, PHY 2054, PHY 2054L, STA 2023 Transdisciplinary ISC 1001C

Support for General Education Assessment and course-level assessment is provided by:

Dr. Joseph van GaalenAsst. VP of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Effectiveness Gracie Soza, Coordinator of Assessment and Effectiveness Jessica GodwinCoordinator of Accountability, Effectiveness, and Grants


Braselton, M. "Using AAC&U Value Rubrics. Case Study: Midland College."

Rhodes, T. & Finley, A. (2013) Using the VALUE Rubrics for Improvement of Learning and Authentic Assessment. AAC & U.