Office of Academic Assessment

Academic Assessment Mission

The Office of Academic Assessment provides support for assessment practices across the college, we strive to promote a philosophy of data-informed decisions and continuous improvement at the course, programmatic, and institutional level by assisting and guiding the campus community in measuring goals, defining operational and student learning outcomes, evaluating their success, and improving their impact and effectiveness.

We work closely with the Learning Assessment Committee and the Effectiveness Coordinators to link assessment practices with assessment plans. Effectiveness Coordinators liaise with departments on their assessment needs, our office (Team AASPIRE’s Office of Academic Assessment) supports them in their data and assessment needs, and the Learning Assessment Committee helps to close the loop by communicating the latest assessments more broadly, and by exacting professional development in response to assessment discussion.

Joseph van Gaalen

Joseph Van Gaalen
Asst. VP of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Effectiveness

Gracie Soza

Gracie Soza
Coordinator, Assessment and Effectiveness

Jessica Godwin

Jessica Godwin
Coordinator, Accountability, Effectiveness, and Grants