A student is allowed to retest three times, with a 30-day wait in between test attempts.
- FSW currently utilizes the ACCUPLACER exam as its placement test.
- ACCUPLACER review materials are located on the FSW Testing website at https://www.fsw.edu/testing/placementregistration#helpful
- Once a Dual Enrollment student has utilized their three placement test attempts, the student may use one of the additional placement tests mandated by Florida State Rule 6A-10.0315 to qualify for Dual Enrollment courses; please visit https://www.fsw.edu/testing/testscores. Please note: FSW accepts the highest test scores from any combination of tests, including PERT, ACT, SAT, the Classic ACCUPLACER, or the Next-Generation ACCUPLUCER. Test scores are valid for two years.
- FSW recommends that if a student’s ACCUPLACER test scores are significantly below the test scores cut-off, that the student waits longer than 30 days to retest to allow for review of the subject matter.
- Students do not need approval from their high school designee for testing but must have obtained an FSW ID number by the scheduled test date.
- Retesting is free of charge.