Prospective students applying for Dual Enrollment/Early Admission at Florida SouthWestern State College must meet the mandated eligibility requirements as set forth in the Articulation Agreements between school districts and Florida SouthWestern State College. Check with your high school counselor or contact the FSW Dual Enrollment Office for more information.
The placement test is used to determine placement in English, mathematics, and reading courses.
The following Steps will assist you in satisfying your testing requirement:
- Apply to FSW - Watch your email for receipt of your FSW Student ID Number. You must have an FSW Student ID in order to participate in the Dual Enrollment program.
- Placement Testing Options:
- Option 1:
Submit your ACT/SAT scores earned within the last two years—If you did not select FSW as a recipient for your scores when you took the exam, you can follow the instructions in the links below to send the scores electronically (allow at least two weeks processing time):
Request SAT Scores from College Board: FSW SAT Code is 5191
Request ACT Scores through your ACT Web Account: FSW ACT Code is 0727
- OR
Request a Zoom appointment to submit ACT/SAT scores: Email - OR
Submit your scores in person at an
FSW Testing Center - you must have a Photo ID and your log in information to ACT/SAT.
- Option 2:
Request to Take a Placement Test through FSW at no extra charge:
- Review placement test sample questions
- Remediation is required prior to retesting. Please review the Remediation Requirements if you are taking the placement test for the second or third attempt.
- FSW students must receive permission from FSW Testing Services prior to taking the P.E.R.T/ACCUPLACER at non-FSW testing center locations.
- Please note: A valid Photo ID and your FSW Student ID Number are required in order to test.
What to expect on Test Day:
- You must provide a valid photo ID (driver’s license, student ID, passport, military ID).
Prohibited Items:
- Electronic devices (Personal calculators, cell phones, iPads, or ear phones/buds)
- Personal items such as sunglasses, watches, hats, handbags, backpacks, and/or umbrellas.
- Food and beverages.
- Labs are equipped with video surveillance and computers are monitored during testing.
- Students are not allowed to access other websites on testing computers.
- Testing Irregularities will result in test invalidation.
Please Note:
- Florida SouthWestern State College has a three placement test attempt limit.
- The Placement Test is administered at all FSW testing locations (Lee, Collier, Charlotte, & Hendry/Glades Center), as well as remotely.
- Florida SouthWestern State College charges $25.00 to administer the placement test for Other Florida Colleges. Permission must be granted by your institution. (Placement Testing is currently limited to FSW students due to social distancing space limitations. Please continue to watch the Testing Services homepage for continued updates.)
- Children are NOT allowed in testing labs and are NOT allowed to be left unattended in the testing facility.