You're Hired! Now What?

Congratulations on your new position as a student employee at FSW! We're happy to welcome you to the dynamic team of student employees working on campus at FSW.

Maintain Enrollment

Only enrolled students are eligible for Student Employment.

Employment Paperwork

Come to the Office of Human Resources and bring:

Your ID(s): You will have to fill out the federal I-9 form which verifies your identity and eligibility to work in the United States. For acceptable forms of identification, please review the I-9 list of acceptable documents (PDF, page 9).

All forms of identification must be original. We will NOT accept photo copies or faxes of identification!

F-1 Students

You must bring the following forms of identification to the office once you are hired:

Passport I-94 Card SEVIS I-20

Complete Your Hiring Packet Paperwork

Come into Office of Student Employment prior to your start date to complete the correct paperwork in order to be eligible to start working.

Incomplete paperwork - your pay or employment may be delayed!

If, for any reason, your hiring packet is incomplete, you and your supervisor will be notified that there is a problem. If you receive notification of incomplete paperwork, come to the Office of Human Resources as soon as possible to resolve the issue. Hiring packets will be considered incomplete if:

You do not have your employment eligibility documents. review the I-9 list of acceptable documents (PDF, page 9).

Your employment will be suspended and you will have to stop working if the I-9 is not completed within 3 business days of the date your employment begins.\\

Update Employee and Personal Information in the FSW Portal

Mailing Address Complete W-4 and W-2 Consent Form Enter Direct Deposit Information

Payroll Information

Time Sheets

In order to get paid, you are responsible for documenting and submitting the number of hours you've worked during each pay period. Please review any specific departmental procedures with your manager.

Hours are submitted through the FSW Portal.

Once you are hired, you will see a 'Employee Services” tab Visit the Payroll Services website for other general payroll information Your supervisor will approve the number of hours you submit through the online timesheet approval process. Contact Payroll Services for information regarding your paycheck

Pay Periods & Payday

Visit the Payroll Services website for the payroll calendar, pay dates, instructions for time entry and more. Paydays occur on the 15th and last day of the month.

Direct Deposit

All employees are encouraged to have their paychecks directly deposited into a personal checking, savings or money market account. Once hired you may log in to the FSW Portal and complete the online direct deposit form. It's under 'Employee Services” then 'Pay Benefits and Time Off”, 'Tax Forms.”

Pay Deductions

Your paycheck will include deductions for all applicable federal taxes. The college will also honor all legal wage deduction requirements including court ordered support payments, garnishments, and assignments.

FICA Tax Exemption

As a student employee, students are exempt from paying FICA taxes provided that they are enrolled at least half time or a minimum of 6 quarter hours or 6 semester hours and working part-time.

Changes in Personal Information

You can change all of your personal information through the FSW Portal.

Employee Policies

As an FSW student employee you are subject to all policies where 'student employees” are included in the scope. Review the College Operating Procedures.

Work Expectations and Information

Absences: Always notify your supervisor

If you will be absent from work, you must notify your supervisor within one hour of your normal starting time. If your absence has been caused by an illness and lasts five days or longer, the college may ask you to bring in a doctor's note. If an employee is absent from work and does not call or notify the college of the absence, the employee is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Academic Breaks

You may be able to work during breaks, based on your department. When the college is on academic break (winter, spring, summer) the 20 hour per week restriction does not apply. Students may work up to 40 hours per week, based on department needs and budgetary constraints.


If you see or are involved in an accident at work, remember that your safety, and the safety of others, is the first priority. If you can reach a telephone, call Campus Police at Lee (239) 489-9203, Collier (239) 732-3712, or Charlotte (941) 637-5608, Henry Glades (863) 674-6017 or 911 for help. Never move a person who has fallen, and use extreme caution whenever there is blood. Trained medical personnel are the best people to handle an injured person - your responsibility is to do your best to contact these trained professionals as quickly as possible. Once the injured person is being cared for, you must report the accident to your manager.

Attendance: Crucial & Expected

Each scheduled workday is important to your success at the college. Your supervisor depends on you to be present when your work is scheduled to begin, to take agreed-upon time for lunch, and not to leave until the end of your scheduled work hours. If a situation arises that will cause you to be late for work, create a longer lunch period, or will necessitate leaving early, please consult with your supervisor as much in advance as possible. Different departments deal with 'making up” time in different ways. You may or may not be able to make up time; it is up to the discretion of your supervisor based on the nature your job duties, work hours and the needs of the department.

Confidentiality & FERPA

At times you may be privy to confidential student or college information. At no time are you to use your on-campus position to access personal college or student data for personal gain. Likewise, information you may come in contact with during the course of your employment is not to be discussed outside the workplace or used for public publication. Please refer to the FERPA policy at for more information.

Health and Safety

FSW is committed to offering a secure and supportive environment for individuals who report incidents of sexual and relationship violence to receive resources and consider all available options. FSW's full policy on Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Prevention and Response can be found here.

Hours/Work Schedule

As a student, your hours are limited, and your schedule is flexible. Students may work a maximum of 20 hours per week in total during the academic year (not counting academic breaks). Student employees may work in more than one on-campus job, as long as your weekly hours total 20 or fewer. While you can have more than one on-campus job at FSW, you cannot work more than a total of 20 hours per week. The hours you work in multiple positions will be incorporated into one paycheck. International students may work a maximum of 20 hours per week. Students should not be scheduled to work during their scheduled class time. Your supervisor is responsible to negotiate an appropriate work schedule with you based on your class schedule. You can expect to revisit your work schedule based on your new academic schedule each semester.

Introductory Period

All new employees participate in an 'introductory period” of six months. If you are new to the college community, recently re-hired, promoted or transferred, you will participate in a 6-month introductory period of training and evaluation. During this time you should become familiar with your job description, the specific duties that you are responsible for performing, the operation of your department, your team members, and the general policies and practices of the college. At the end of the introductory period your performance will be evaluated in writing. If your performance does not meet the necessary standards for the job, your manager may request an extension of up to three months for your introductory period, or if your performance is below standards, your employment may be terminated.


FSW complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), which affords students certain rights with respect to their education records.

Progressive Discipline

The college employs a process of Progressive Discipline to collaboratively address issues of unsatisfactory performance or conduct. The disciplinary process may start at any counseling stage, taking into consideration the severity of the infraction and maintaining consistency in the administration of the disciplinary process. All sides of an issue should be heard prior to management administering any disciplinary action.

Resignations: Professionalism is expected

If you have decided to leave your current position, you should give your supervisor written notice of your decision at least two weeks before your last day. Before leaving your position and receiving your final paycheck, you must return all college property you acquired during your time working here, including keys. Once the college accepts your written resignation, it is at the discretion of management to hire you again. If you decide you want to take back your resignation and would like to continue working after all, you may or may not be able to get your job back.

Worker's Compensation

FSW has worker's compensation insurance policy that covers all employees. This policy provides payment for time off from work due to an injury or illness resulting from your employment, as well as medical expenses. If you experience a work-related injury or illness, you must report it immediately. Your manager will file an incident investigation report that will be sent to the worker's compensation insurance carrier for investigation and processing.