In order to engage in a cycle of continuous improvement, all academic programs at FSW set goals, collect data, and use the results to inform course and program improvement. Beginning AY 2014-2015 and continuing into the present, all academic programs leading to degree and certificate completion have shared a common program review template.
Program Review Components
- Relationship of program to state needs and priorities
- List of new/ renewed program accreditations in the last five years
- Faculty and professional staff productivity during the year (papers, presentations, books, research)
- Adequacy of resources (faculty, staff, physical space, equipment) to accomplish program goals
- Headcount and FTE by program (Primary)
- Demographic information by program (FT/PT, M/F, ethnicity, financial aid status, Pell Grant recipients, entering GPA)
- Degrees/certificates conferred
- Degrees conferred per 100 FTE
- Average time to degree/certificate completion (For students who entered without transfer credit)
- First-time full-time freshmen 3-year graduation rate (AA only)
- Retention (Fall to Fall, retention or completer)
- Service to other programs in the institution (AA or AS completers into Bachelor’s programs. Certificate completers into AA or AS programs.)
Course Data
- Average Course Section Size
- (Fall to Fall, retained with 2.5 GPA or higher, transferred with 2.5 or higher, graduated) (AA an AS only using State Accountability Data)
- Licensure and certification exam pass rates (AS and BS only)
- Program survey
- SOS comparisons across modalities
- Graduate follow-up results (employment rates and employer survey results where applicable, graduate surveys)