Review Goal | Goal Date |
Effectiveness Plan | Last Friday of September |
Plan Updates (as a result of Departmental or Staff meetings) | Third Friday in November |
Results Updates | Third Friday of April |
Results and/or Finalization | Second Friday of May |
Finalization | Last Friday in August |
These dates are designed to meet both the schedules of academic departments and staff departments and so some goal dates may not meet those of your area. If there are outcomes in your Effectiveness Plan that are not yet complete and do not yet have data, please omit the goal date set above for those outcomes.
Each year, Florida SouthWestern State College's Office of Accountability & Effectiveness aids administrative units and academic programs in the development and tracking of their respective "Effectiveness Plans." Creating a formal "Effectiveness Plan" is an important step in consistently documenting the continuous improvement efforts educational leaders engage at FSW. Institutional Effectiveness (IE) is the extent to which planned outcomes, goals, or objectives are achieved as a result of an activity, strategy, intervention or initiative intended to achieve the desired effect. Thus, a useful Effectiveness Plan is one that contains clearly written outcomes, strategies for meeting those outcomes and has appropriate assessment techniques for measuring how well those outcomes have been achieved. Finally, to "close the loop" on the institutional effectiveness cycle, each Effectiveness Plan should use results in a meaningful, impactful way.
Tools to aide in completing annual Effectiveness Plans:
About Anthology
Anthology is a web-based software system from Campus Labs designed to assist in housing Effectiveness Plans and Reports for continuous improvement. Anthology allows planning and assessment reports to join each other seamlessly for a smooth Effectiveness Cycle. Users can generate their own reports and edit information with ease. Anthology is licensed by Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW) for use by Florida SouthWestern State College faculty and staff for retaining, reporting, and presenting the effectiveness of academic and administrative units at Florida SouthWestern State College.
How do I login to Anthology?
Faculty and staff who need access to Anthology must first contact the Office of Accountability & Effectiveness to request an account. Once access has been approved, Anthology may be accessed through the user's Florida SouthWestern State Colleges (FSW) MyFSW account. In MyFSW, faculty and staff must locate the "Institutional Effectiveness" tile and click the link for "Anthology – Effectiveness Plans".
Program Review Components
In order to engage in a cycle of continuous improvement, all academic programs at FSW set goals, collect data, and use the results to inform course and program improvement. FSW's common program review template includes 6 components: Enrollment, Completion, Progression, Course Data, Success, & Satisfaction.
Workshops and Training
The Office of Accountability & Effectiveness provides a variety of workshops and training sessions throughout the year related to effectiveness plans and survey development. Unit leaders and account users are also invited to request individual or departmental workshops or training if needed.
Questions and requests for additional information should be directed to Jessica Godwin.