Best Workshop Award

The faculty professional development committee created this award to recognize the outstanding work of our volunteer presenters and facilitators in the TLC.
- Campus Safety: Active Shooter Training - Rick Parfitt (Spring 2016)
- Personality Type: Discovering Your Preferences - Dr. Melissa Rizzuto (Fall 2015)
- Constructivist Pedagogy and the Student-Centered Classroom - Dr. Eileen DeLuca (Fall 2014)
- SafeZone Ally Training - Bonnie Lawler, Dr. Sarah Lublink, Dr. Caroline Seefchak, and Dr. Catherine Wilkins (Fall 2014)
- Mental Health Workshop Series - Stacey Brown (Spring 2014)
- The Democratization of Knowledge and the Use of Wikis in the Classroom - Dr. Sarah Lublink and Dr. Catherine Wilkins (Fall 2013)
- Ethics: Facilitating Ethical Conduct in the Classroom - Dr. Phil Wiseley (Spring 2013)
- Diversity on the College Campus and Beyond - Dr. Rebecca Gubitti (Fall 2012)