Sexual Harassment
"Sexual Harassment" is any unwelcome verbal, nonverbal, written, electronic or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment also includes acts of intimidation, bullying, aggression or hostility based on gender or gender-stereotyping, even if the acts do not involve conduct of a sexual nature.
Examples of sexual harassment include instances in which:
Submission or consent to the behavior is reasonably believed to carry consequences for the individual’s education, employment, on-campus living environment, or participation in a College activity. Pressuring an individual to engage in sexual behavior for some educational or employment benefit, or making a real or perceived threat that rejecting sexual behavior will carry a negative educational or employment consequence for the individual. The behavior is so severe or pervasive that it has the effect of substantially interfering with the individual’s work or educational performance by creating an intimidating, hostile, or demeaning environment for employment, education, on-campus living, or participation in a College activity. One or more instances of sexual assault Persistent unwelcome efforts to develop a romantic or sexual relationship Unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors Unwelcome commentary about an individual's body or sexual activities Repeated and unwelcome sexually-oriented teasing, joking, or flirting and Verbal abuse of a sexual nature
Click here to report Sexual Harassment
Sexual Assault
"Sexual Assault" means any actual, attempted, or threatened sexual act with another person without that person’s consent.
Sexual Assault includes but is not limited to:
Rape and attempted rape Intentional and unwelcome sexual touching (including disrobing or exposure), however slight, with any body part or any object, by a man or a woman upon a man or a woman, without effective consent, of a person’s breasts, buttocks, groin, or genitals (or clothing covering such areas), or coercing, forcing, or attempting to coerce or force another to touch you, themselves, or a third party with any of these body parts or areas when such touching would be reasonably and objectively offensive Any sexual act in which there is force, violence, or use of duress or deception upon the victim Any sexual act perpetrated when the victim is unable to give consent Sexual intimidation, which includes but is not limited to: Threatening, expressly or implicitly, to commit a sexual act upon another person without his or her consent Stalking or cyber-stalking Engaging in indecent exposure.
Click here to report Sexual Assault
Domestic Violence
"Domestic Violence" includes felony or misdemeanor crime of violence committed by a current or former spouse of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabiting with or has cohabited with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the State of Florida, or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the State of Florida.
Click here to report Domestic Violence
Dating Violence
"Dating Violence" means violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; AND The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of:
the length of the relationship the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.
For the purpose of this definition, dating violence includes, but is not limited to sexual or physical abuse or the threat of such abuse. Dating violence does not include acts covered under the definition of domestic violence.
Click here to report Dating Violence
"Stalking" means engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to: 1) fear for his or her safety or the safety of others; or 2) suffer substantial emotional distress.
For the purposes of this definition:
Course of conduct means two or more acts, including but not limited to, acts in which the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens, or communicates to or about, a person, or interferes with a person’s property. Substantial emotional distress means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily, require medical or other professional treatment or counseling. Reasonable person means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the victim.