Welcome to FSW, Adult Learners!
First, you may be wondering what an adult learner (nontraditional student) is and how you may differ from the traditional student. At FSW we define the adult learner as one who meets one or more of the following criteria:
- Working full-time (30+ hours a week)
- Having children and/or other family members to support
- Changing careers or retraining
- Being a veteran of the armed forces
- Being a current member of the armed forces
- Returning to college after a break
- Starting college after 3+ years away from school
- Having independent financial status
- Being age 24 or more or
- Having a documented disability and registered with FSW Adaptive Services.
On the other hand, traditional students usually are 18-20 years old, enter college either immediately or within a year of high school graduation, have financial support from parents or guardians, and are not supporting anyone else. They may be working part-time, but their primary focus is full-time college.
You, however, while taking college classes, may also be working full-time and supporting a family. Often college is not even first on your list of priorities. We understand that and want to help in any way we can.
In its first year, the Office of Adult Learner Services offered an Adult Learners’ Resource Fair in Fall 2021, chartered two honor societies for adult learners in Spring 2022, planned an Adult Learner Picnic, held a graduation cap decorating party, and implemented the first “Get in ShipShape: A Free Summer Bridge for Adult Learners.” We are also beginning the Adult Learner Student Organization (ALSO) in Fall 2022 with the idea that as adult learners, you ALSO have other responsibilities, and as faculty and staff at FSW, we ALSO need to keep in mind your needs and expectations.

Below is a link to the Adult Learners’ Handbook, a compendium of resources that may be of help to you as you begin or continue your time in college. All of the information in the Handbook is available on the FSW webpage, and you should make sure you click on the relevant links for the most updated information.
We are so excited that you are here and welcome all the experiences you bring with you!
Adult Learners' Handbook
As an adult learner at FSW, you will have access to all resources that the college offers. This handbook is an attempt to bring all the information together in one place. All the information in the Adult Learners Handbook is contained on the FSW webpage. For most up-to-date information, follow the links in the handbook to the respective webpage.
Pinnacle and Spire National Honor Societies
In January 2022 Florida SouthWestern State College was granted charter membership in Pinnacle and Spire, National Honor societies for adult learners.
Pinnacle Honor Society was founded in April 1989 as a “recognition society for adult and non-traditional students” seeking four-year degrees.
Spire Honor Society was created in 1991 as a sister organization to Pinnacle that would recognize adult and non-traditional learners who were pursuing two-year degrees.
Florida SouthWestern State College will be inducting its first class of scholars in April 2022. If you qualify and would like to be considered for membership, please complete the application below.
To be eligible for induction into Pinnacle or Spire, students need to meet the following qualifications:
- Qualify as an adult learner by virtue of having one or more of the following:
- Working 30+ hours a week
- Having children and/or family members to support
- Changing careers or retraining
- Be a current member or veteran of the armed forces
- Returning to college after a break or starting college after 3+ years away from school
- Having independent financial status as defined by financial aid
- Being age 24 or older;
- Be within 30 hours of completing a four-year degree;
- Have a cumulative GPA of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale;
- Be involved in at least three campus or community activities while in college;
- Demonstrate leadership, persistence and future promise;
- Maintain the highest ethical standards; and
- Complete the appropriate application and submit required documents by the deadline.
- Qualify as an adult learner by virtue of having one or more of the characteristics listed in #1 above;
- Be within 6 months of completing a two-year program;
- Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale;
- Be involved in at least three campus or community activities while in college*;
- Demonstrate leadership, persistence and future promise;
- Maintain the highest ethical standards; and
- Complete the appropriate application and submit required documents by the deadline.
Adult Learner Student Organization (ALSO)
The Adult Learner Student Organization (ALSO) will be registered as a new student organization during the Fall 2022 semester. If you are interested in participating or running for office, please contact Dr. Dolores Kiesler at dkiesler@fsw.edu. The first order of business will be to elect officers.
Officers will include president, vice-president, recorder, and treasurer. Once officers are elected, they will work on determining a vision for the organization, approving a constitution and beginning plans for activities.
Get in ShipShape: A FREE Summer Bridge for Adult Learners
We know that being an adult learner (non-traditional student) can be a bit overwhelming at times and has its own challenges and opportunities. To help ease your transition, join other current or new adult learners at FSW for a FREE program that will explore what you need to know about college and answer some, if not all of your questions.
The Summer Bridge will
- allow you to connect with other adult learners
- receive technology updates and information
- learn how to balance work, family and college
- discover how the FSW Portal can help you map your path to graduation
- be introduced to campus resources, and
- review your academic skills
The Bridge will be composed of six sessions and for the most benefit, you may want to attend all six, but knowing how many other commitments you have, you can sign up for one or all on the registration below.
Dates: June 23, 30; July 14, 21, 28; Aug 4 Time: 6:30-8:30 pm Location: Lee Campus S202 or via Zoom (Zoom link will be sent after you register.)

Contact Us
Dr. Dolores Kiesler dkiesler@fsw.edu 8099 College Parkway Fort Myers, FL 33919 Lee S206 Office Hours: WTh afternoon and early evening Other times by appointment