Florida SouthWestern State College is pleased to offer the Purchasing Card Program to faculty and staff.
On this page you will find details about the program, how to apply, and more including:
- Introduction
- Obtaining a PCard
- Policy & Procedures
- Forms
- PCard Training
Contact Information
Aida Mora
Accounts Payable Supervisor 239-433-6946 ext. 16946 Aida.moragonzalez@fsw.edu
Meghan Baldwin
PCard & Travel Specialist Phone Number: 239-489-9340. Ext. 11340 Email: PCard@fsw.edu
Bank of America Card Services
To report a card lost or stolen: (888) 449-2273
Merchant Disputes: BOA (888) 449-2273
Procurement Services
Technical Support FSW Helpdesk
Welcome to the Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW) Purchasing Card Program (PCard). This program is designed to provide another means of making routine small commodity purchases, making payments to vendors who do not normally accept purchase orders and making payments for travel related charges. A PCard may be presented to vendors who accept VISA. The PCard program is NOT meant to replace the request for purchase (PO) process. Purchase orders should be used wherever possible prior to considering a PCard purchase. Exceptions may apply. Email PCard@fsw.edu with questions.
FSW employees who desire a PCard are required to apply to be a cardholder. Upon approval, each cardholder is assigned to a reconciler (Account Manager) and backup reconciler (Business Manager). As purchases are made, it is the reconciler’s role to charge the purchase to the correct Index and Account Code in the College’s Banner Finance PCard module. PCard controls and procedures have been put in place to ensure cardholders are spending College funds for purposes that are aligned with institutional objectives. Such controls and procedures are necessary in order to safeguard College assets, reduce instances of fraud and ensure compliance with purchasing procedures. Both the cardholder and reconciler(s) have responsibilities to the College, and to each other, to ensure all PCard purchases and documentation comply with the procedures set forth herein.
As a cardholder and/or reconciler(s), one is expected to comply with College Operating Procedure 05-0106 Employee Acceptance of State Laws, College Policies and Procedures. Further, possessing a PCard is a privilege based on trust, and a deliberate attempt to use the PCard for personal gain is theft. Any employee who knowingly and willingly makes purchases or attempts to make purchases that violate State Law and/or College Policies/Procedures, or assists another employee in such purchases, or fails to report a known violation, may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with COP 05-0106 (PDF) and/or the Cardholder Agreement (PDF).
Success of the PCard program relies on the cooperation, professionalism and use of sound, reasonable judgment of all personnel associated with it. Therefore, it is recommended that each cardholder and their reconcilers become familiar with the PCard Program Manual. Understanding and respecting each other’s role in the program promotes a successful program.