Dr. Scott Ortolano in Italy, Summer 2024
Dr. Leslie Bartley in Ireland, Summer 2024
Florida SouthWestern State College invites full-time faculty and administrators credentialed to teach to submit proposals to lead or co-lead a short-term study abroad program, or to submit a proposal to teach a summer course with a one-month travel abroad component in Italy at our partner institution Lorenzo de' Medici.
Please contact Michael.Messina@fsw.edu to request the study abroad course proposal form. All proposals must be approved by the department chair and academic dean.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Full-time faculty and administrators credentialed to teach may apply. Proposals from all FSW campuses is encouraged.
- All training is required to participate in international travel with students.
- Participation in planning meetings with Center for International Education staff is an expectation.
- Faculty agree to FSW's commitment of duty to care.
Secondary Coverage:
In an effort align FSW study abroad program to international education best practices, efforts will be made to provide secondary coverage on all faculty-led programs that have been selected with only one faculty leader when necessary. Selection of a second faculty leader or FSW appointed designee will vary according to each program. The following will be taken into consideration:
- Program size, location, and local on-the-ground support.
- Visa requirements to enter the country.
- Academic department recommendations.
- FSW and Center for International Education initiatives.
- No secondary coverage is required for the FSW in Italy program.
Proposal Review:
All proposals for FSW study abroad programs will be reviewed by a selection committee consisting of members from academic affairs, former faculty study abroad leaders, international education staff, and members from the international education advisory council. Proposals will be reviewed using an evaluation rubric designed to determine the strength and feasibility for each course proposed to be taught abroad. Proposals may be tentatively approved with recommendations made by the selection committee. The total number of proposals selected may be determined based on the maximum number of courses that can be supported by the Center for International Education.
FSW Faculty-led Course Proposal
Due Date: Friday, January 31, 2025
The Center for International Education invites full-time faculty and administrators credentialed to teach to submit course proposals for short-term faculty-led programs. Proposals are general in nature and specific details such as the course syllabus, detailed budgets, and other travel logistics are not required at this time. Please note that by submitting this form, you are only proposing to lead a study abroad program. You will be required to submit a formal program proposal with a complete itinerary if your course is selected by the committee.
FSW in Italy at LdM Course Proposal
Due Date: Friday, January 31, 2025
The Center for International Education invites full-time faculty and administrators credentialed to teach to submit course proposals for FSW summer courses with a one-month (June or July), long-term travel abroad component in Italy. In order to achieve the College's strategic initiative of expanding International Education, it is expected that faculty who teach FSW courses with long-term travel abroad will commit to sharing their experiences through faculty mentoring or in curricular and co-curricular activities such as during International Education Week, through FSW colloquia, or TLC workshops. Students enrolling in the FSW course will also have the opportunity to enroll in an additional course at our partner institute, Lorenzo de' Medici. Please note that by submitting this form, you are only proposing to lead a study abroad program. You will be required to submit additional information if your course is selected by the committee.
This form is intended for faculty leaders and chaperones on FSW study abroad programs who need to report an incident while abroad. Upon submitting this form it will be routed to the Center for International Education for follow-up.