Frequently Asked Questions

If you have an idea/concept for a grant and want to seek external funds but you are not sure where to begin, have never written a grant before, or just need assistance in writing your grant, please contact the Asst. VP of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Effectiveness, Dr. Joseph van Gaalen ( We might already have some quick answers to quick questions so check below for information as well.

Is it necessary to work with the Office of Sponsored Programs in order to submit a grant proposal?

Yes. The Office of Sponsored Programs serves as the liaison between the grantor and the project team. In order to apply for funding as an employee of FSW, or receive funds as part of FSW, your grant must be approved by College leadership.

Why does a grant proposal require approval prior to submission?

A grant award is a legal obligation and financial commitment by FSW. Making sure appropriate persons and/or departments are aware of the potential impact to the College is imperative. This includes, but is not limited to, matching funds requirement, alignment with the President’s strategic directions and appropriation of indirect costs.

How much notice is required to submit a grant proposal request?

Complete proposals including the Authorization for Grant Application form require at least 10 FSW working days before deadline (if there is a holiday/break allow extra day(s) for the number of days the college is closed) in order to ensure the proposal is uploaded satisfactorily. A grant proposal is considered complete when all the components required from the funding agency are included in the document or grant application package in its entirety. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to include all required components of the proposal.

Some grant solicitations offer little time between advertisement and submission deadline while others provide several months of notice. Please notify our office as soon as you start thinking about applying for a grant.

How long does it take to learn about whether a grant has been accepted for funding?

Most grants will state the award notification time frame within the solicitation. However, a general rule of thumb is 6-12 weeks.

My grantor has requested a status report on my project. What should I do?

Please contact: Jessica Godwin at (x11227) or (239) 489-9227 or Dr. Joseph van Gaalen at (x16965) or 239-433-6965

Resources On Grant Opportunities

All grants: the website is managed by the Department of Health and Human Services. It houses information on over 1,000 grant programs.

National Institutes of Health: NIH’s central resource for grants and funding information.

National Science Foundation: NSF is an independent federal agency created to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity and welfare; to secure the national defense. It provides limited term grants with an average duration of three years to fund specific research proposals.

American Chemical Society: ACS offers grants to support the advancement of the chemical sciences through research, education and community projects.

National Endowment for the Humanities: It is one of the largest funders of humanities programs. NEH supports historical, literacy, and cultural programs that touch large and small communities throughout the US and its territories.

GetEdFunding: GetEdFunding is sponsored by CDW-G to help educators and institutions uncover funds they need. It provides access to thousands of education grant awards.

Federal Reporter: The Federal Reporter is led by STAR METRICS to create a searchable database of scientific awards from agencies. It enables the documentation and analysis of inputs, outputs, and outcomes resulting from federal investments in science.

Health Research Funding: HRF provides support via videos and articles on funding in the medical fields.

Duke University Research Funding: This site provides an extensive, on-line database of funding opportunities.