The FSW Leadership Academy is a co-curricular certificate program that engages and guides students through a leadership development track. The program encourages students to identify their leadership style and discover how they can apply and build leadership skills during both their academic and career endeavors.
Program Description
The program is framed by Kouzes and Posner’s “The Student Leadership Challenge: Five Practices for Becoming an Exemplary Leader.” Throughout the academic year students are expected to complete five modules focus on leadership practices: model the way; inspire a shared vision; challenge the process; enable others to act; encourage the heart. Each module includes an introduction to the practice, interactive activities, self-reflection, and mentor-led small group discussions.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify five practices of exemplary leadership
- Identify and describe personal leadership style
- Describe and explain how leadership aligns to student experience and future career
- Develop a personal definition of leadership
Contact Information
Linda Johnsen ljohnsen@fsw.edu (239) 732-3998
Jackie Beard jbeard1@fsw.edu (239) 489-9246