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Sigma Beta Delta
About Sigma Beta Delta
Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society for students in business, management, and administration serves institutions which offer baccalaureate and graduate degrees in business, management, and administration where the institution holds institutional accreditation from one of the regional bodies.
Election to lifetime membership in Sigma Beta Delta is the highest honor a business student anywhere in the world can receive in an undergraduate or master's program at a school. Students, based on high academic achievement, and business school faculty members are the only ones eligible for membership in the Society. With more than 85,000 members worldwide, the Society's membership comprises the brightest and best of the world's business leaders.
Membership in the Florida SouthWestern State College Chapter of Sigma Beta Delta is by invitation only. To be eligible, baccalaureate students in the School of Business and Technology must have completed 21 credit hours of upper-level (3000, 4000) coursework and have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.
For more information, please visit Sigma Beta Delta.