School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Welcome to the School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

The School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences supports all degree and certificate programs of study offered at Florida South Western State College. Through a broad curriculum, the SoAHSS provides high-quality teaching and learning experiences that are accessible and affordable, and prepares students to achieve the majority of their general education competencies.

Within a culturally and artistically rich academic environment, our students develop the abilities to communicate effectively, think critically, use technology, and apply scientific principles and methods. Our core course offerings promote awareness and understanding of the complexities of the human condition while nurturing the ability of our students to explore history, society, and culture from multiple vantage points. Through the development of these skills, we prepare our students to engage challenges and embrace opportunities in the workforce, in the community, and in the world.

The interdisciplinary scope of the School, as well as its focus on expressions of the human experience, prepares students for the diversity of the world in which we live. The School is committed to promoting respect for the uniqueness of every individual, while demonstrating through our coursework the commonalities that unite humanity.

The School ardently serves as an economic, cultural and civic beacon in our community, while our fine and performing arts programs underscore our commitment to contribute to the rich and diverse cultural life of our community.


The mission of the School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences is to foster the development of strong intellectual and practical skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening and thinking that will allow our students to become informed, responsible, and active participants in a global society.


The vision of the School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences is to provide an exemplary teaching and learning environment that creates an enthusiastic community of learners who can think and interact critically and creatively as global citizens and lifelong learners.

Contact Us

School of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Florida SouthWestern State College 8099 College Parkway Fort Myers, FL 33919 Main Office: (239) 489-9044

Jennifer Summary Assoc. Dean, Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Phone: 239-489-9020

Dr. Brian Page Dean, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Phone: 239-433-6931

Wendie Thompson Sr. Staff Assistant Phone: 239-489-9044

#FSWSuccess stories from the School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences