Common Data Set - 2015-2016 (PDF)
A. General Information (PDF) B. Enrollment and Persistence (PDF) C. First-Time, First-Year (Freshman) Admission (PDF) D. Transfer Admission (PDF) E. Academic Offerings and Policies (PDF) F. Student Life (PDF) G. Annual Expenses (PDF) H. Financial Aid (PDF) I. Instructional Faculty and Class Size (PDF) J. Degrees Conferred (PDF) CDS Definitions (PDF)
Common Data Set - 2014-2015 (PDF)
School of Business and Technology Degrees Conferred (PDF) School of Education Degrees Conferred (PDF) School of Health Professions Degrees Conferred (PDF) School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences & School of Pure and Applied Sciences Degrees Conferred (PDF)
Fact Book
The FSW Fact Book is a publication that provides a comprehensive point of reference about the College, its history, and its progress. It contains a broad spectrum of facts and figures including general information, enrollment, administration and faculty, and academic achievement.
2015 Fact Book (PDF) 2014 Fact Book (PDF) 2013 Fact Book (PDF)