Since moving to remote (and later partially remote) operations in response to the global pandemic, there has been a spirit of “reimagining” FSW across all programs as we continue to work towards achieving the College’s Mission and Strategic Directions. The collaborative work including ReConnecT, the Innovate Instruction Initiative (I3), the COVID Case Management Team, Dedicate to Graduate (D2G), and many cross-division committees has allowed us to continue high quality practices without disruption.
The President and his Cabinet invited the FSW community to take what we have learned from remote operations and innovations into the College’s strategic planning. This document summarizes the insights gained from these discussions. Below are a summary of success as noted by FSW employees and students.

Expanded technology from virtual operations has enhanced our capabilities to serve students with increased demand for access to FSW anywhere and at any time. One professor described the vast array of methods students can connect with the college as an “absolute win-win for the student and the college.”
Amplified virtual opportunities have helped students, faculty, and staff stay connected during the pandemic. All members of FSW’s community noted the importance of remaining socially connected. FSW students emphasized the instructor’s enthusiasm as a key motivator. One student commented, “the more excited they are about the topic, the more interested I become.”
Ability to be agile and responsive to the global obstacles allowed us to efficiently and effective revise and improve practices through shared governance. Staff noted FSW’s ability to adapt and respond to the crisis as a “stunning achievement.” Emphasizing that FSW has the “capacity, talent, and will to make needed changes on behalf of students and the community.”
Key Enhancements Supporting Academic and Support Service Continuity

Flexibility of New Instructional Modalities

Virtual Office Hours

Virtual Academic Support Services

Increased Platforms to Connect and Collaborate

Zoom and Proctorio Rooms

Enhanced Policies and Upgraded Facilities Prioritizing Safety
Reimaging Achievement of Strategic Directions

Expand Educational Access
- Increase access to courses among the three campuses and center, with a focus on being the regional school of choice for recent graduates.
- Leverage the newly integrated instructional modalities to expand academic programs to underserved areas and to offer a full suite of courses on all sites.
- Implement Academic & Career Pathways across the college from recruitment through degree or certificate completion. Fully implement a web presence to coherently communicate FSW Academic Pathways. Utilize technology solutions to support student and advisor collaborative tracking to decrease excess credit acquisition and increase completion rates.

Advance a World Class Educational Experience
- Respond to global crises by developing transdisciplinary courses centered on global issues.
- Expand virtual technology continues to support and expand faculty to student connections.
- Explore additional tools for simulated labs and virtual performance observations.
- Offer sustained training and support focused on new technologies. Also, flexibly offer “just in time” instruction demonstrating we are agile and responsive.
- Shift Library collections to focus on increased digital content.

Innovate Online and Distance Education
- Continue to support the utilization of advanced technologies in the classroom to ensure students recognize the instructor’s presence and support.
- Increase access to electronic course material. Students note desire for electronic resources (i.e., textbooks).
- Identify additional mechanisms to ensure academic integrity in the online learning environment.
- Continue to provide convenient access to academic support (i.e., Library and Writing Center) through centralization of remote services.
- Increase academic support and supplemental instruction to support learning acquisition in the newly implemented instructional modalities.

Prepare Students for a Globally Competitive Workforce
- Expand co curricular programming through increased opportunities for students to connect with FSW through remote technology.
- Innovate simulation experiences with an appropriate balance of live practical experience within the workforce programs.
- Expand non credit training opportunities to meet the needs of local businesses, establish internship opportunities, and provide articulation pathways into certificate and degree programs.

Create a Culture Focused on Inclusion and Continuous Improvement
- Create a campus culture that values mental, physical, and social wellness through innovating facilities and forming partnerships with community providers.
- Balance “live” services with remote access to centralized support such as through a kiosk model and virtual access to advisors, specialists, tutors, and librarians.
- Develop cross training programs providing staff with a more complete understanding of FSW's operations.
- Enhance meeting areas, leveraging outdoor spaces for events and rethinking student lounge/study areas.
- Contract with consultants to complete long term projects not requiring extensive internal experience so FSW experts can focus energies on specialized projects.
Sources: College-wide responses from all employees to provost@fsw.edu , November 2020 April 2021; Academic Affairs Provost, Dean, Director Retreat, Meeting Minutes, December 16, 2020; Provost Office and IT Faculty Forums, March 2021; Student Affairs Leadership Meeting, Minutes, December 15, 2020; Student Government Meeting, Minutes, December 14, 2020; FSW Student Voice Summit Report, February 23, 2021; Cabinet IT Priorities Meeting April 2, 2021; D2G Meetings 2020 2021; Florida Pathways Institute Meetings 2020 2021