News Article

"Rapid Recovery" Job Training Program Updated Information Sessions

Apr 20, 2009

 “Rapid Recovery” Job Training Program at Edison State College


April 20, 2009 – Edison State College announces a new education initiative “Rapid Recovery” designed to help people adversely affected by the economy quickly retrain for in-demand jobs.


“As the economic conditions began to decline thousands in the community turned to Edison State to enhance their education and to retrain for jobs,” said Dr. Noreen Thomas, Executive Vice President of Edison State College.  “We knew we had to do more than add faculty and classes to serve these students.  We wanted to be a part of the solution to create new opportunities for Southwest Floridians.”


In the past 2 years Edison State’s student population increased 25 percent.  Many of these students are mid-career workers hoping to retool their skills. 


Edison State and the Southwest Florida Workforce Development Board recognized that not everyone had 2 years to work on and AA degree or 4 years to work on a bachelor’s degree.  Many people have an immediate need to get the education necessary to become employable.


Many Southwest Floridians find themselves in a similar situation as 55 year old Nancy Cullen.  Cullen worked for Washington Mutual Insurance in Cape Coral, Bonita Springs and Naples.  In December of 2008 she was laid off when the branches closed.


“I’m in my 50’s and do not have a college degree; however, I do have a lot of wonderful professional experience.” said Cullen.  “I spent years working in international banking, on Wall Street, in retail, my own businesses, radio broadcasting and most recently worked as a banking professional.  – Believe me I could see this financial mess coming.  But like must of us we didn’t know how bad things were going to get.”


To compound the situation Cullen found out the owner of the home she was renting wasn’t paying the mortgage and is facing foreclosure. 


“As things are right now, despite my experience, I can’t find a job,” said Cullen. “To make matters worse, I don’t have the money to move if the bank takes the home we rent and no one else will rent to me without a job.”


Edison State believes Cullen is an ideal candidate for the Rapid Recovery job training program.


“Rapid Recovery serves dislocated workers, the underemployed and veterans,” said Thomas.  “Our mission is to respond to area workforce needs.  Based on input from area businesses we put together courses to best position students to find a job.”


‘Rapid Recovery’ programs range from health care, information technology, finance, early childhood development, Internet Services and much more. Many courses can be completed in 90 days or less.  Many carry national certification.


“I’m a proud mom.  My son is a 4-point-0 student here at Edison State.  And now I know I must work toward a college degree,” said Cullen. “But my need is immediate.  I need to be able to get back to work as quickly as possible – while working toward that degree.”


Courses can be added and customized based on specific student and employer needs.  Classes will begin May 6, 2009 and will continue on an ongoing basis. 


Many of the programs could qualify for Employed Worker Training stimulus funding or other financial aid.  ‘Rapid Recovery’ counselors are available to assist interested students through the stimulus funding application process. To set up an appointment call: (866)385-9898 or email  For more information visit:

Last Updated: April 20, 2009

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