Hendry/Glades Center Students Named to 2013 Fall Dean’s List
Mar 15, 2014
MARCH 14, 2014 – LABELLE, FLA. – The Edison State College Hendry/Glades Center announces the 2013 Fall Dean’s List. Edison State College students are named to the Fall Dean’s List for completing 12 or more credits that semester with a grade of “C” or higher and a grade point average of 3.5 or above.
Alva students named to the 2013 Fall Dean’s List are Ryan Bodiot, Alyssa Challender, Tiffany Daley, Kellyann Erskin, Kaitlyn Johnson, Kailee Keeling, Janetta Mullins, and Megan Urban.
Clewiston students named to the 2013 Fall Dean’s List are Albert Dorelien, Kaitlin John, DeLana Lara, Izai Sanchez, and Cory Wilcox.
LaBelle students named to the 2013 Fall Dean’s List are Alma Benitez, Andrew Benkert, Trisha Bennett, Sherry Blanset, GianCarlos Castano, Austin English, Jessica Escamilla, Laura Escamilla, Michael Gonzalez, Elaine Guerrero, Mariel Juarez, Cesareo Leos, Ramon Leyva, Eunice Marquez, Angela Martinez, Joseph McDaniel, Amelia Molina, Mark Perkins, Yesenia Resendiz, Yisvi Rodriguez, Octavio Sandoval, Jiesha Stephens, Roberta Thomas, Brandon Toulis, Danielle Tritt, Elizabeth Walker, and Jessica Whitman.
Moore Haven students named to the 2013 Fall Dean’s List are Kelli Atkinson and Jason Queen.
Celebrating over 50 years of excellence, Edison State College is Southwest Florida’s largest, most accessible and ranked nationally as one of the most affordable institutions of higher education. Serving more than 22,000 students per year regionally, nationally, and internationally, students are also active in a wide variety of clubs and programs that cater to their interests. Nationally, Edison State is ranked 45th among associate degree producers and 26th for its prestigious associate producing Nursing program.
Last Updated: May 15, 2020
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