Florida Senate Education Committee Unanimously Supports Edison State Name Change to Florida SouthWestern State College
Jan 14, 2014
The Senate Education Committee today unanimously approved SB 236 to rename Edison State College to Florida SouthWestern State College. The bill is sponsored by Senator Garrett Richter, whose District 23 area includes parts of Collier and Lee counties.
“Edison State College’s new name, Florida SouthWestern State College, easily identifies the region it serves. This new name will help us as a region to raise our profile, which is economically beneficial to Southwest Florida,” said Senator Richter. “A region that is rich in opportunities to grow professionally is an attractive feature for businesses.”
“Not many people realize that the five counties we serve stretch over 4,700 square miles. Florida SouthWestern State College easily identifies our region,” said Dr. Jeff Allbritten, President, Edison State College. “We greatly appreciate Senator Richter’s support through this process.”
“With the unanimous approval of both bills in their first committees of reference, this is a strong indication of the support we have moving forward,” said Matthew Holliday, Director of Government Relations at Edison State College. “We still have work to do to make certain the legislature continues to understand our need to emphasize the region and support our efforts."
The next step, said Holliday, is for the bills to continue to be heard in the committee process and they will receive a final vote in the Florida Senate and House during the spring legislative session.
Celebrating over 50 years of excellence, Edison State College is Southwest Florida’s largest, most accessible and ranked nationally as one of the most affordable institutions of higher education. Serving more than 24,000 students per year regionally, nationally, and internationally, students are also active in a wide variety of clubs and programs that cater to their interests. Nationally, Edison State is ranked 45th among associate degree producers and 26th for its prestigious associate producing Nursing program.
Last Updated: May 26, 2020
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