News Article

Edison State College Administrator Receives Prestigious Award

Mar 15, 2013

Edison State College Dean, Dr. Eileen DeLuca, is the recipient of The Chair Academy’s 2013 International Exemplary Leadership Award.  This award recognizes an individual’s ability to advance academic and administrative leadership in their organization.  Dr. DeLuca will be honored at the Chair Academy’s 22nd Annual International Conference, Sustainability Through Leadership, to be held in Phoenix, Arizona, April 4-7, 2013.


“Dr. DeLuca is a true example of what this award represents,” said Dr. Jeff Allbritten, President, Edison State College.  “She has led and participated in a variety of programs to ensure that the college goes above and beyond in both student and administrative offerings.”


Dr. DeLuca has demonstrated her dedication to Edison State College by understanding the needs of her institution, fellow administrative colleagues, collegiate faculty, the local community, and the students.  At Edison, Dr. DeLuca has served as the Dean of the Division of College and Career Readiness, and as the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Director.  In those roles she has initiated the College Readiness Conference (which is now an example for other schools to follow), served as a GED Pathways symposium speaker/coordinator and has presented at state and national conferences. Additionally, she has served on the college’s SACS Accreditation Compliance and Leadership teams. She was formerly a faculty member and chair of the School of Education.


“Dr. DeLuca is an outstanding example of a person committed to their learning institution, their role in academic and administrative leadership, their faculty, staff and students,” said Dr. Rebecca Gubitti, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics & First Year Experience Course, Edison State College.

Last Updated: March 15, 2013

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