Message from District Board Chairman Chris Vernon ahead of April 6th meeting
Apr 5, 2011
In anticipation of the April 6th Board meeting, I would like to give the public a better sense of what I anticipate in terms of the structure of the meeting. As previously noted, the location of the April 6, 2011 special meeting of the Edison State College District Board of Trustees has been moved to room AA-177 on the Lee Campus of Edison State College. The purpose of the move is to provide greater public access to the meeting. Additionally, to provide greater public participation in the meeting, the procedure for public comment has been posted on the Edison website. I urge you to review these procedures in the event you would like to make a public comment to the Board at the meeting. As previously stated, the primary purpose of the special board meeting is to craft an agenda for the regularly scheduled board meeting later this month. To assist each board member in making a final decision on what items they would like to appear on the regularly scheduled board meeting agenda, there is time allotted on the agenda for comment from a representative of the faculty and also comment from the District President – as well as public comment. Additionally, to further assist each board member, I have requested a short presentation to the board by legal counsel to generally explain the scope of the powers of the Edison College Board of Trustees. Finally, to assist each member of the board, I plan to provide the Board members with some possible agenda items to expedite the agenda creation process. Although this is a fluid process and is impacted by what transpires between now and the April 6th meeting, I anticipate providing the board with possible agenda items related to the following topics: 1. IMPROVED BOARD OVERSIGHT 2. IMPROVED TRANSPARENCY 3. IMPROVED SYSTEMS TO ASSURE GRADUATION QUALIFICATIONS 4. IMPROVED SACS PREPARATION 5. INVESTIGATION OF RETALIATION AND DISCRIMINATION ALLEGATIONS 6. DR. BROWDER’S EMPLOYMENT STATUS AND PAY 7. IMPROVED ACADEMICS 8. IMPROVED REPORTING STRUCTURES 9. NEED FOR A NEW VICE CHAIR OF THE BOARD 10. CURRENT AND FUTURE LEADERSHIP AND LEADERSHIP COMPENSATION 11. ISSUES THAT CAN OR SHOULD BE DEALT WITH PRIOR TO THE REGULAR MEETING At the meeting, individual board members may have different/additional items that they wish to raise which they would like to have appear on the April 26, 2011 agenda instead of or in addition to the items identified above. Also, at the meeting, it may be determined that some of these items should appear on the agenda as information only items as opposed to voting items. Once we determine what one or more board members would like to appear on the April 26th Board meeting agenda, a representative from the Board will work with legal counsel and Edison staff to craft proposed agenda items to submit to the District President. The final agenda is crafted by the District President in consultation with the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. I look forwarded to a well attended and productive meeting on April 6th. I hope and anticipate that everyone who participates in the meeting will remain focused on the long term best interests of Edison State College, the past, present, and future students of Edison State College, and the Southwest Florida community.
Last Updated: April 5, 2011
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