News Article

Message from the Edison State College Chairman of the Board Chris Vernon (District)

Apr 1, 2011

With respect to the Faculty’s discussions with the District President,  I have reviewed the motion that was adopted by the Faculty Senate of Edison State College regarding Dr. Browder, Dr. Atkins, transparency relating to compensation and employment issues,  reporting duties of vice presidents, and concerns over ramifications of the recent actions of the faculty.


With respect to the District Board of Trustees,  I was disappointed to learn of Dr. Klein’s resignation from the Edison State College in advance of the April 26, 2011 board meeting. 


Additionally, with respect to the District Board of Trustees, I have received notice – in compliance with Florida’s Sunshine Laws – that a fellow member of the District Board of Trustees would like me to convene an interim meeting of the District Board of Trustees. 


Based on the adoption of the motion by the faculty,  Dr. Klein’s resignation, and a fellow board member’s request,  I anticipate convening an interim meeting in advance of the previously scheduled Board of Trustees meeting set for April 26, 2011.  I will attempt to schedule the interim meeting for next week. 


I will request that this Meeting be held on the Lee County Campus with additional rooms set up with monitors and rooms to allow overflow attendees to view the meeting.   


From my perspective,  the purpose of the meeting is three fold.   First,  I will request that the Board provide an opportunity for a representative of the Faculty Senate to speak directly to the Board as a group.   I would ask that the Faculty determine who they would like to speak to the Board on behalf of the Faculty.   Second, I will request that the Board provide an opportunity for the District President to speak directly to the Board as a group.   Third,  I will request that the Board discuss and develop agenda items – including agenda items relating to Board concerns over personnel issues and issues that impact the reputation and integrity of the institution of Edison State College – for the April 26, 2011 meeting.    


The interim meeting will be promptly noticed once the exact time and date can be coordinated with Board members schedules.      



Chris T. Vernon

Last Updated: April 1, 2011

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