News Article

Edison State College Student Life Director Earns Doctorate Degree

Mar 30, 2011

Lee Campus

March 29, 2011


Edison State College Student Life Director Earns Doctorate Degree


Amy Teprovich Ed.D, Director of Student Life at Edison State College, completed her doctorate degree this month from Nova Southeastern University. Teprovich earned a Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership with a concentration in Conflict Resolution.


“In Student Life, we seek to connect students to the institution through co-curricular involvement and complement the academic experience by providing programming to aid in student development. This is the foundation of persisting towards degree attainment in higher education,” explained Dr. Teprovich. “So I found it appropriate to focus my research for my dissertation on first- time- in- college students and their transition into the higher education environment.”  


As a first generation college student, she enjoyed incredible support from her parents, but realized that in many ways they were unable to help her navigate the college experience. Now a successful professional, Teprovich believes it is imperative to help remove barriers and give unyielding support to students. She  is a passionate advocate for students both inside and outside of the classroom. She firmly believes that education opens many doors of opportunity and conveys that message to students every day.   


“While working on my doctorate degree, I honestly felt that I could truly appreciate how difficult it is to balance the demands of life that many of our students face -- family, jobs, and school,” mused Teprovich.  “Their dedication and determination fuels my passion of serving students. I come to work every day and think about how to better the opportunities for students at Edison State College.  As a student advocate, it is critical to never lose sight of that mission.”


For media inquiries contact Meg Hawthorne, Public Information Specialist at Edison State College (Lee Campus) 239-489-9306 or



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Last Updated: March 30, 2011

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