Library FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get a webcam for my online class or a Proctorio test?

For information on taking a test using Proctorio and where to check out a laptop with a webcam please visit the link below

Each FSW library location also has a limited number of webcams that students may check out using their BucsCard, Driver's License, or State issued photo ID. The webcams check out for 7 days.

How do I access online textbooks on course reserve, aka eReserves?

Log in to Canvas Look left Click "Student Resources" Click "eReserves" Click the book title Follow the instructions to download the MyDocs app to view the text Note: Access to material on eReserve is limited to 3 hours. Items are available 24/7.

How do I reserve a study room?

On our homepage under quick links (right side of the screen) you will see a link to the reservation form. Watch the short video linked below for an explanation of the booking system

How do I find sources about careers and wellness for my Cornerstone class?

Search for trustworthy information in Advanced Google by limiting your searches to .org, .edu, and .gov and consult the Occupational Outlook Handbook.

Review the Websites for Research Guide for recommended Statistical Information and Career web sources.

Search for peer reviewed journal articles in the databases Academic Search Complete and ProQuest Central.

Limit your searches to:

  • Advanced Search
  • Scholarly/Peer Reviewed Journals
  • Full Text

Use the following Subject Terms in the databases:

  • Job satisfaction
  • Work-life balance
  • Life Satisfaction
  • Psychological burnout
  • Happiness
  • Well-being
  • Mental health
  • Physical health

Where can I get help with technology?

To get online and on campus assistance with technology, including Canvas, Proctorio, and Zoom, click FSW's Technology Support Center.

Another good source for technological support is the Office of Information Technology's Knowledge Base.

To check out technology, including Webcams and laptops, click Student Technology Check-Out Request.

How do I cite sources in MLA Style?

Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL) provides an MLA Formatting and Style Guide with step-by-step instructions and examples for creating in-text citations and a works cited.

How do I find eBooks and print books in the library?

From the FSW Libraries' homepage you can find FSW Libraries print and eBooks by entering search terms in Search & Discover. To get results for books only click Advanced Search and Library Catalog.

To access eBooks you must log in using your Canvas/Portal username and password.

To search from within Canvas click Student Resources on the black toolbar to the left of your screen and select Library.

Which databases have scholarly articles about any topic?

Recommended databases for finding scholarly/academic, aka peer reviewed sources about any topic are:

  1. Academic Search Complete
  2. Proquest Central
  3. JSTOR
  4. Academic OneFile

How do I cite sources in APA Style?

Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL) provides an APA Formatting and Style Guide with step-by-step instructions and examples for creating in-text citations and a reference list.

Where can I take proctored exams?

You can take proctored exams on campus and online. Go to FSW Online Proctoring to learn how to take proctored exams online, and for locations and hours to take proctored exams on campus

Borrowing Information

Florida SouthWestern State College Libraries

Borrowing and Circulation Policy

FSW Libraries provides borrowing privileges to students, staff, faculty, and citizens of its five-county service community. To borrow materials faculty and currently enrolled students must present a Florida SouthWestern State College ID Card (a.k.a. BUC Card) which serves as their de facto library card.

Community Patrons are eligible for a Community Library Card. Community Patrons are defined as residents of Lee, Collier, Charlotte, Hendry, or Glades counties who are not current faculty, staff, or students at FSW. Applicants for community patron cards must be at least eighteen years old and present either a current Florida driver’s license, voter’s registration card, or property tax receipt. Library cards are nontransferable. FSW Libraries must be notified about a lost or stolen card and contact information must be kept up-to-date. Community Patron cards are issued at no cost to the user.


Some library items are eligible to be renewed for two additional loan periods if

The item is not overdue, and The account is in good standing, and No other patron has requested the item

Interlibrary Loans: The loan periods and renewal policies are determined by the lending library. Renewals may be processed in-person, online, and by phone 239-489-9220


FSW library patrons in good standing may place a hold request for materials that are checked out to another patron or listed as available at any campus library location. Patrons will be notified when their hold requests are available for pick up at the circulation desk. Items are held for a period of 10 business days.

During the hold period, library staff will make two attempts to notify the patron. After 10 business days, hold materials will be returned to the shelf or made available to the next person in the hold queue.

Hold requests may not be placed for Reserve items.

Overdue/Lost/Damaged Items

Borrowers are personally responsible for the safety, proper use, and timely return of library materials they have checked out. If materials are not returned by the date due, library privileges may be suspended. If fees have accrued, due to loss or damage of an item, all fees must be paid in full. The borrower is financially responsible for lost or damaged materials. Assessment of damage is at the discretion of the professional library staff.

At the discretion of the Director of Library Services, patrons who are excessively or repeatedly late in returning items may temporarily or permanently have borrowing privileges suspended.

When an item is 60 days overdue the item is declared lost. At that time a per-item material fee of $25 or the replacement cost of the item (whichever is greater) is billed to the borrower. At the time of billing, accounts are forwarded to the Office of Financial Services as a debt to the college. Failure to pay fees will prevent students from registering for future courses.

Once an item is declared lost, replacement of the missing will be assessed on an item-by-item basis for relevancy to the current college curriculum. In case the item is no longer in print, availability of the item will also be factored into the decision to replace or not replace.

Return of overdue items does not relieve the obligation to pay lost item fees. Paid fees are non-refundable.

Questions and appeals regarding the payment of lost item fees should be directed to the Office of the Director of Library Services located in the Rush Library on the Lee Campus in Fort Myers.

Suspension of Borrowing Privileges

Library borrowing privileges may be suspended for any card holder who violates the Florida SouthWestern State College Code of Conduct or FSW Library Policies. Reasons for suspension include, but are not limited to, the misuse or non-return of library materials, abuse of computers, inappropriate web access, or inappropriate or disruptive behavior. Students reserve the right to appeal the loss of their library privileges to the Office of the Director of Library Services.

Course Reserve Policies and Procedures

Course Reserves materials are typically supplemental items, but may include the required textbook. Reserves items can include, but are not limited to, books, articles, photographs, and video. Effective fall, 2021, with some exceptions, course reserves materials will be available for checkout in digital format only. Digitized course reserve items are available to currently enrolled FSW students. Checkout periods for reserve materials vary and are determined by the course instructor. Any FSW faculty member may place items on reserve. Films/Videos are accessed through FSW Library’s film/video streaming services, and are not placed on reserve.

Course reserves materials are subject to copyright restrictions. The number of copies of digitized course reserve materials available for student access is contingent on the number of physical copies in the possession of FSW Libraries. Only the digital copy will be available for checkout.

FSW Libraries make every effort to process course reserves materials in a timely manner, but cannot guarantee immediate access. To ensure prompt posting of reserve materials Instructors should submit hard copy materials for digitization one week prior to the date students are scheduled to begin accessing the material(s).

Interlibrary Loans

All FSW students, faculty, and staff may request materials from libraries outside of FSW through the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service. A limit of five items per day may be requested through ILL. Borrowers will be notified via email when ILL materials have arrived at an FSW Library. Return dates are set by the lending library and must be adhered to by the FSW borrower. The service is generally free of charge; however, lending costs may be assessed in certain circumstances if agreed to in advance by the borrower. ILL requests for college textbooks will not be accepted or filled. Interlibrary Loan borrowers are liable for any bills charged by the lending library.

Technology Equipment

Apple Lightning Cable/Charger

Works for:

  • Apple iPhone
  • Apple iPad
  • 3 Hours Loan (Library Use Only)

USB Type C Cable/Charger

Works for:

  • Android Devices
  • 3 Hours Loan (Library Use Only)

Micro USB Cable/Charger

Works for:

  • Android Devices
  • 3 Hours Loan (Library Use Only)

Mini USB Cable/Charger

Works for:

  • Android Devices
  • 3 Hours Loan (Library Use Only)

TI 84 Calculator

  • 1 Day Loan

Logitech Webcam

  • 7 Days Loan


  • 3 Hours Loan (Library Use Only)