Scott Ortolano

Professor, English
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<p><strong>Scott Ortolano</strong> is Professor of English at Florida SouthWestern State College. His scholarship focuses on the cognitive and existential repercussions of consumerism&mdash;both during the modernist period and in the contemporary world. He has recently published work related to this topic in <em>The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review</em>, <em>South Atlantic Review</em>, <em>The Explicator</em>, and <em>Women&rsquo;s Studies</em>, and he has a forthcoming chapter in <em>Terror in Global Narrative: The Aesthetics and Representation of 9/11 in the Age of Late-Late Capitalism</em> (Palgrave Macmillan). Dr. Ortolano is also interested in developing effective pedagogical strategies and the future of the humanities. He has recently published on this issue in the <em>South Atlantic Review</em> as well as co-edited a special issue of the journal that focuses on sustaining English programs in the twenty-first century. Among other work on this subject, he co-edited <em>Perspectives on the Short Story</em>, an anthology of short fiction published by Pearson. He is currently at work on an edited collection titled <em>Popular Modernism and Its Legacies: From Pop Literature to Video Games </em>(under contract, Bloomsbury).</p>


Education (Degrees and Certifications)

  • PhD, Literature
  • MA, English
  • BA, History

Research (Publications, Presentations, and Other Projects)

  • “In Plain Sight: Strictly Dynamite, Modern Comedy, and the Hidden Legacy of Henri Bergson.” The Explicator, vol. 73, no. 4, 2015, pp. 320-4.
  • with Maria J. Cahill, “Walking the Line: Expanding Horizons and Creating Opportunity at Florida SouthWestern State College.” Sustaining English Programs in the Twenty-First Century, special issue of South Atlantic Review, vol. 78, no. 1-2, 2015, pp. 152-71.
  • “Changing Buttons: Mainstream Culture in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’ and the 2008 Film Adaptation.” The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review, vol. 10, no. 1, 2012, pp. 130-52
  • co-editor, Co-editor, with Caitlin Newcomer. Perspectives on the Short Story. Pearson. 2012. Revised and Expanded Edition. August 2014.
  • “Liberation, Degeneration, and Transcendence(?): The Promise and Paradox of the ‘New Woman’ in Edna Ferber’s Dawn O’Hara, The Girl Who Laughed and..." Women’s Studies, vol. 45, no. 3, 2016, pp. 230-50.