Considered one of Lee County’s pioneer families, George and Mary Jo Sanders moved to Fort Myers in 1941. Married in 1937, these high school sweethearts became actively involved in the community and were an integral part of the growth and development of Fort Myers as we know it today.
Passionate advocates of education, George and Mary Jo were early supporters of Florida SouthWestern State College. In 2004, the Mary Jo Sanders Garden of Inspiration on the Lee campus was dedicated in honor of Mrs. Sanders, who loved gardening and worked tirelessly throughout her life on the beautification of the Fort Myers community.
The legacy of George and Mary Jo Sanders lives on at Florida SouthWestern State College through the recent gift of Asian Porcelain. Acquired by the Sanders throughout their 63-year marriage, this delicate artwork was created by artisans hundreds of years ago working with primitive dyes, a coal or wood kiln, and two bare hands.
It was the dedication and passion of these early artists that drew the Sanders to this extraordinary artwork. A piece of history that students, and the Southwest Florida community, can now enjoy first-hand as part of the Sanders Porcelain Collection at Florida SouthWestern State College.