Information Technology Support Specialist, Certificate

The Information Technology Support Specialist certificate will prepare students for various positions in the information technology field, especially related to IT support specialist, IT technician and help desk entry positions. Students will learn how to best utilize technical skills and ability in analyzing, assessing, diagnosing, and troubleshooting hardware, software, network, and other desktop issues. Students completing Computer Hardware/Software will be prepared to take the Comptia A+ certification exams.

All of the courses in this certificate program can also be applied toward the AS, Network System Technology.

The program is designed for both full-time and part-time students. Courses are offered in an online and traditional formats to accommodate students’ varying schedules and learning preferences.

The following is a suggested sequence for the required courses:

CTS 1131 Computer Hardware 3
CTS 1133 Computer Software 3
CGS 1100 Computer Applications for Business 3
CIS 2321 System Analysis and Design I 3
CNT 1000 Computer Networking Essentials 3
1000 or 2000 Level Any additional computer course with
COP, CGS, CTS, CNT, CIS, CAP, or EET prefix

Earn Academic Credit for your Industry Certification

If you hold a valid industry certification earned within the last 3 years and have successfully completed at least 12 credit hours in the AS in Network System Technology program, you may receive free academic credits toward the degree. Contact Albert Nault for more information.

For more information contact the School of Business & Technology

Direct Phone Line:  (239) 489-9270 Website: Email: