The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BS NURS) is a rigorous online RN-to-BSN degree completion program for Registered Nurses (RNs). Applicants should carefully consider if an online program best meets their learning style. Enrollment is limited based on the number of available seats each semester.
* RN-to-BSN applicants are not required to have all general education courses completed prior to being admitted into the program.
* Prospective applicants interested in learning more about our RN-to-BSN program, application requirements, and more, may register for a virtual information session.
The RN-to-BSN Program provides a career ladder from the AS Nursing degree to the BS Nursing degree for RNs who have earned an associate in nursing degree or a diploma in a nursing program that allows graduates to qualify for a RN license. Coursework will continue to build upon the registered nursing curriculum foundation. The program offers a diverse population of students with innovative educational experiences and opportunities to meet the health care needs of the communities they serve. Through the educational process, the student will be able to internalize the values, traditions, and obligations of the professional nurse and gain a greater professional perspective and increased critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
The RN-to-BSN Program prepares graduates for career promotions and advancement in nursing to include positions in academia, community health, management, and leadership. It also provides a foundation for advancement to graduate level education programs. Current occupational employment and wage data for Registered Nurses is published by the United States Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics at

The Associate and Baccalaureate of Science degree nursing programs at Florida SouthWestern State College at the Charlotte, Collier, and Lee campuses located in Punta Gorda, Naples, and Fort Myers, Florida are accredited by the:
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (ACEN) 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326 (404) 975-5000
*The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Baccalaureate nursing program is Continuing Accreditation.
Student Achievement Outcome Data
Student achievement outcome data (PDF) provides evidence to demonstrate the extent to which FSW Nursing graduates are adequately prepared. This information is updated annually and made publicly accessible.
Program Structure
The program is a planned sequence of instruction consisting of 120 credit hours in the following areas: 36 credit hours of General Education Requirements, Additional Lower Division Requirements; 30 credit hours of Upper Division Program Requirements, and Additional Program Requirements.
The RN-to-BSN Program includes courses in professional issues, informatics, pathophysiology, pharmacology, research, advanced health assessment, multicultural nursing, community health, and leadership. Courses are taken online to accommodate various schedules. Students must complete all General Education Requirements prior to enrolling in NUR 4827C Leadership in Nursing Practice in the last semester of the RN-to-BSN Program.
Admission Requirements
Registered Nurse (RN) License
- Applicants must have a valid, active, and unrestricted/unencumbered RN license that allows them to work in Florida.
- The license must remain current throughout enrollment in the program.
Minimum Transferable Credits Applicants must have at least 60 transferable credit hours from a regionally or nationally accredited college or university, as defined by State Board of Education rules.
Minimum GPA Requirement Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale in all college-level coursework.
Application Process
- Complete the Bachelor’s Degree admissions application online.
- Pay the $30 application fee and be accepted to Florida SouthWestern State College.
- Pay the $25 nursing application evaluation fee.
- Submit official transcripts from all previously attended institutions directly to the Office of the Registrar.
Prerequisite Course Requirements
- Applicants must complete at least five (5) of the following lower-division courses before applying.
The remaining two (2) courses must be completed by the end of the second semester in the program.
Required Courses (Choose at least 5 before applying):
- PSY 2012 – Introduction to Psychology (3 credits) OR SYG 1000 – Principles of Sociology (3 credits)
- DEP 2004 – Lifespan Development (3 credits)
- HUN 1201 – Human Nutrition (3 credits)
- STA 2023 – Statistical Methods I (3 credits)
- MCB 2010C – Microbiology (4 credits)
- BSC 1085C – Anatomy and Physiology I (4 credits) OR BSC 1093C – Anatomy and Physiology I (4 credits)
- BSC 1086C – Anatomy and Physiology II (4 credits) OR BSC 1094C – Anatomy and Physiology II (4 credits)
Academic Standards
The academic standards in the RN to BSN Nursing Program are very rigorous and require full commitment.
- A student who attempts and/or fails a nursing course will be permitted to re-take that nursing course only once on a space-available basis.
- An 'attempt' is defined as a course registration in effect at the end of the add/drop period.
- Attempting with failure or withdrawal in any second nursing course may result in dismissal from the program.
- A student who is removed from the program due to failures or withdrawals must petition to the Program Director and faculty for consideration of readmission.
BSN Program Applicants with Associate or Baccalaureate Degrees
Students who transfer to Florida SouthWestern State College with a previous associate of arts degree from a Florida college or baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited university are considered to have met the General Education Core and Elective coursework (60 credit hours) of the degree.
All Coursework above will be evaluated by the College to determine transfer of credits or applicability to the program.
Transient Student Enrollment in Upper Division Coursework:
Transient students are currently enrolled college students who register for courses at another institution on a temporary basis (e.g. university students attending summer semester at a state college). Transient students must obtain prior approval to enroll in Upper Division Nursing Core coursework. Students initiate this process using Florida Shines at
Priority Application Deadlines*
Fall Semester Start - Application due by August 1 Spring Semester Start - Application due by December 1 Summer Semester Start - Application due by April 1
*deadlines may be extended if seats remain unfilled to capacity by application deadline
Graduation Requirements
- Students must fulfill all specific degree requirements of their program to be eligible for graduation.
- Students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 120 credit hours as outlined in the Nursing, BS program of study.
- To satisfy residency requirements, a minimum of 15 credit hours of Upper Division Program Requirements and a minimum of 30 total credit hours must be completed at Florida SouthWestern State College.
- Students must earn a minimum cumulative grade point average in the program of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
- Students must earn a grade of "C" or better in all Upper Division (3000 or 4000 level) Program Requirements and all Additional Program Requirements. Students must complete the State of Florida General Education Core Requirements, including any assessment of General Education outcomes required by the College. Transfer courses will be reviewed for equivalency.
- Students who transfer to Florida SouthWestern State College with an Associate in Arts degree from a Florida College or a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution are considered to have met the General Education component of the degree.
- Students must complete the State Civic Literacy Competency Requirement which is met by achieving a passing score on the Florida Civic Literacy Exam and by successfully passing a civic literacy course.
- Students must successfully complete 12 semester hours of coursework demonstrating college level writing skills with a grade of "C" or better in order to meet the Writing Intensive Requirement. Six (6) credit hours must be taken in English Composition and six (6) credit hours must be taken in additional coursework that demonstrates college-level writing skills.
- Students must satisfy the State Foreign Language Competency Requirement which is met by completing one of the following:
- 2 years of the same High School Foreign Language, or
- Documented foreign language proficiency through testing (for example, CLEP), or
- 2 semesters of the same College Level Foreign Language (Level II proficiency).
Note: Students who wish to participate in the Commencement Ceremony must indicate their intention to attend the Commencement Ceremony by completing the Commencement Application by the published deadline.
Lower Division Requirements
General Education Requirements: 36 Credit Hours
Refer to the FSW General Education Program Guide
Additional Lower Division Requirements
*NOTE: Some of the following courses may have been completed within the General Education Requirements. Applicants must have completed of a minimum of five (5) of the following Additional Lower Division Requirements prior to admission. The additional two (2) courses must be completed by the end of the second semester in the program:
- PSY 2012 - Introduction to Psychology 3 credits
- SYG 1000 - Principles of Sociology 3 credits
- DEP 2004 - Lifespan Development 3 credits
- HUN 1201 - Human Nutrition 3 credits
- STA 2023 - Statistical Methods I 3 credits
- MCB 2010C - Microbiology 4 credits
- BSC 1085C - Anatomy and Physiology I 4 credits
- BSC 1093C - Anatomy and Physiology I 4 credits
- BSC 1086C - Anatomy and Physiology II 4 credits
- BSC 1094C - Anatomy and Physiology II 4 credits
Upper Division Program Requirements: 30 Credit Hours
- NUR 3805 - Professional Roles and Dimensions 3 credits
- NUR 3870 - Informatics for the Health Professional 3 credits
- NUR 3125 - Pathophysiology for Nursing Practice 3 credits
- NUR 3145 - Pharmacology and Alternative Therapeutics 3 credits
- NUR 4165 - Nursing Research 3 credits
- NUR 3066C - Advanced Health Assessment 3 credits
- NUR 3655 - Multicultural Nursing 3 credits
- NUR 4636C - Community Health Nursing 4 credits
- NUR 4827C - Leadership in Nursing Practice 5 credits
Additional Program Requirements
Additional credit hours from courses numbered 1000-4999 to reach the 120 credit hours required for the degree.
Total Degree Requirements: 120 Credit Hours
Additional information on the RN-to-BSN Program is available online at:
End of Program Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of the BSN Program, the graduate will be able to:
- Synthesize knowledge from nursing and the physical, behavioral, psychological and social sciences, and the humanities in the practice of professional nursing.
- Integrate global health and health care, its relevant issues and policies as they relate to professional nursing practice.
- Evaluate research in the exploration of the spectrum of health within the framework of evidence-based practice.
- Synthesize standards of professional practice and care.
- Articulate the role of the professional nurse within inter-professional teams.
- Analyze current and changing health care information technologies and systems.
- Summarize the components of leadership and followership in professional nursing practice.
- Interpret the social responsibility of the nursing profession in the development and implementation of health care policy.
Program Contact Information
Sarah Hamula Student Success Advisor II Nursing Department Charlotte Campus, B-114 Phone: 941-637-5653
Bobby Holbrook, MSN, ARNP Program Director BSN Email Phone 239-985-8336