Risk Management

Recognizing the need to preserve the College's resources, the Risk Management Office is responsible for the leadership, innovation, governance, and management which is necessary to identify, evaluate, mitigate, and monitor the College’s operational and strategic risk. The Risk Management Office will work with the Florida SouthWestern State College community to ensure that a safe environment is provided for faculty, staff, students and visitors. It will also minimize loss or damage to the College's assets through the development and implementation of loss-prevention programs and the application of effective risk management principles. The Risk Management Department within the Office of the Senior Vice President of Operations seeks to eliminate, prevent or minimize exposure to the College in order to protect the financial positioning of the College.

Florida SouthWestern State College belongs to the Florida College System Risk Management Consortium (FCSRMC). As a member of the Consortium, Florida SouthWestern State College participates in a program authorized by the Florida Legislature which allows the colleges in the state to join together to develop & implement a statewide cooperative system of risk management under one comprehensive plan. In addition, the Florida legislature has provided authority for the colleges to participate in self-insurance, excess insurance & specific insurance programs through the Consortium.


Assessing risk through identifying, measuring and evaluating risk exposures based on information provided by other programs or collected by the Risk Management Office.

Determining potential impacts of the College’s actions on liability exposures.

Monitoring operational risk activities of the College including evaluating contractual risk through review of contracts, licenses and agreements as required by policy or upon request.

Managing the College’s insurance programs in conjunction with the Florida College System Risk Management Consortium

Providing guidance and education to departments through training and consultation on loss control and insurance requirements.

Applying loss-prevention and loss-reduction techniques to eliminate or minimize losses to the College. Coordinating with the Senior Vice President/Chief Operating Officer and Office of General Counsel regarding claims against the College and matters involving losses which may affect the financial position of the College.

Chairing the Strategic Risk Team